Do You Know Where Your Bible Is? m
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and thirty-three 12/31 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
-Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, "Mark 17 and 7," like the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, my prayer closet 1993, my people perish, GOH, Apb
-A Voice Declaring: "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an ELE US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, beware, Apb, see also
-Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb,
The Triple Threat, Trump, Mountains, Bunkers, Alex Jones, Fall On Us, Hide Us
-What's not fake? Surely this blessing in disguised as said times are here unlike never, ever before, don't be deceived. In some way, supposed fake news or false reporting is going to get the word out. Then let us play today is opposite day, the warning is then valid, what have you done to prepare yourselves? Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the campaign now driven straight into the Whitehouse of make America great again, really make America white again, and why I witness lately, a fury come into God's face because of a Trump/Pence Whitehouse ticket. I'm sorry, I know I keep asking this question, but when was America ever great, ah White, was it before the Red Skin man or after he was meet with Westernized genocide?
-Remember the millions, standing this single water cooler, of an immeasurable maze like fall out shelter, this horrid, when a woman bearing black bowls this beyond horrid still, approaches? Forgod sakes, there is commanded right now, that all parents be targeted for the kill, and just the other night, a voice, "99 bowls of molten lava," see volcanos, even Hawaii, Yellowstone erupting; even more creepy, a voice, and I quote, "yours is a Nuclear fate." I tell you it's like the warning gauge this heighten having everyone ear that they should most definitely get out of here, (westernized civilization).
-That some how doing a winning election 2016 suddenly flat line of itself, but if that's what a Trump White House is capable of, this false do over. Even that running shoes, survival foods, and packs are no more, let it be accursed and instead this blessed repentant alter to Truexit, of an authentic Escape! Tried Jesus yet? Seeming just the other night, people reactions doing a dream, and exploding Walmart's, mass pandemonium since then all pointed toward the painstaking fact. Well, not only had a permanent blackout happen, that having useful water was no more, how said companies showed themselves completely helpless themselves.
-People just started walking, like they'd lost any use for cars, like the mobile man, even the American Dream, as in the Intrepid Dream 2001. It was all of suddenly no more, but judged, guilty, sentence and brought to an by Oct. 2017 surprise of cataclysms into oblivion of impacting millions. Still the most curious thing to note, well, who reading here though you live in a multicultural country from the beginning, even this practice for Christ's Millennium. I even believe, the black and white blinking light of caution, warning of a rising death tolls, is also the reminder, death and dying has no particulars or favorites, its not bias.
-So which of you also live in a multicultural neighborhood? For that equally odd pointed out here was those all united in this brisk walk further southeast for authentic life, they were of every ethnicity. Again this painful coming to terms we're all cut from the same cursed man, Adam, heart, blood, especially America. Then apparently there's this second Adam, Jesus, having restored us this One New Blood, Righteous Mankind, of a heart transplant, yet knocking on the door, "if any man," got Him, got Jesus yet?" Doing my visitation to heaven, the prophet Ezekiel opening three doors, I like him, witness God perform heart surgeries on a multitude before His Throne. >>>"Yeah, yeah I understand that Cush man but the people who walk in darkness are not our enemies, they are our labor of love, our workmanship in Christ Jesus. So until we realize that we can't forgive as we ought and Jesus did admonish us to forgive men their sins. That make the darkness, the twilight our and all of mankind's enemy, come for to steal, kill and destroy, explaining why Jesus is the light, even why the prophet Malachi designed him the Sunlight of God. So I asked them all captured into the most seasonal of debates why are you referring to Israel, to America as though they are at this new beginning, that's alone Christ' Millennium? It's prophetically insulting, it's also speaking with a double tongue for if God placed Gog in the White house, I mean everyone and there mom is saying Obama's the Antichrist, if so, what does that say about these times, what does that mean for America, The West? He will rule this planet with no match for seven year's, then Jesus' Millennium, so like Jesus second coming, I don't think we're looking to an antichrist yet to come. I believe just as Trump is setting up his Presidential Cabinet, that the antichrist, as of these meetings with various world leaders since senator Obama, for a final time is doing the same. Believe me, we're in the birth pains and surfing mysteriously along the birth canal of the most evil of despots come to reign. Even so come Lord Jesus right, that is Kadesh man what we're supposed to say right, regardless of all the pending horrors? Yeah, you talking Elohim, commanding John to seal up the seven thunders roaring, but instead to take the little book that was sweet to eat and bitter to digest. Jesus return is such a sweet, sweet savor for many, but it's as so the most bitter of realization for others. which is why the end time Bride is predominately given over to intercessory, there is nothing else, time for repentance is lapsing with every second. Wow the pub is really crowded tonight, fastening eyes all around the mostly teen hot spot, of having pizza, soda and dancing, just this brew ha, ha, of a celebration. Yeah, ah new years weekend, man I completely forgot about that, okay, that make sense. Playing, dancing, new year resolutions, yeah, hopefully an appendage to God's Will, Kingdom done, well at least Maaseiah's timetable, okay, I only trust that Kadesh man because you say it. Goodnight, you guys, I'm home to bed, yeah Craft man, right behind you." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth,
Israeli Wailing Wall, Moslem Mosque and Palestine Questionable Settlements Fall On Us, Hide Us
-When I was shown the death rider, the mid nineties, having come with great prowess, having come against what was described to be abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and the churches of the people, of God seeing, knowing, and now judging them. It wasn't long before Holy Spirits suggested that I trust, delight and commit, see Psalm 37, it's like Jesus telling inquiring disciples, these are things which must surely come to past, truly for He, meaning God. That's just as the seventh Angels begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as He hath told the prophets, why I witnessed Jesus arrive to the Bride with healing in His Wings, see the prophet Malachi seeing the same thing.
-Doing these end times of the beast reign, he doesn't only have the wherewithal power to overcome the tribulation saints, but anything, land and any power getting in it's way for the next seven years, see Rev. 17:13. beware. My grandson Caden who truly love school, readying himself like so, gladly announced last night, how today is the last day of school. I found this curious, oddly enough, as I heard a loud, commanding voice only a few days past say lately, "I will finish all schools," evenly as there is witness of schools, even parental guidance going under bomb attacks. You must see, school assembly, like religion, politics is just one of those things conveniently stripping God's People of all things Jesus. simply meaning, they are all about the antichrist business, beware again, Apb, The RAM, see, read more here, and here,
P. S. Happy Jesus Millennium New Year, 2017-2024/25, Apb
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Whitney's Houston's Song, This Word Lately, "Joy To The World," Jesus Millennium is Come
Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and thirty 12/28 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
-Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, "Mark 17 and 7," like the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, my prayer closet 1993, my people perish, GOH, Apb
-A Voice Declaring: "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an ELE US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, beware, Apb, see also
-Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb ,
The Prophet Jeremiah, Turf Wars, Now Fallen To Hamath
-From the moment Jesus looked at inquiring about the end times disciples how they were not to be deceived by man's temporal achievements, as a day would come and has come there would not be left one stone upon another. Surely see the ten toes of King Nebuchadnezzar's Image, assuredly what was also commanded to be enacted upon world leaders, nations, Britain and America. While there pay close attention to the Jerusalem wailing wall also in disobedience to God's order, how all pending with prophetic fulfillment had to indeed come to past. regardless of how bad things would get, or how many would perish.
-You can yet hear the youngest most precious of them now what sixty years later, AD 92-96, receiving the Revelations of God, regarding every precept of these marvelous to horrid things simply cry, even so, (as in regardless), come Lord Jesus, the ultimate problem solver. So right into the Apostle John now being taken for to see, hear and know, that's of a voice like a trumpet saying 'come up here,' I will show you what things must surely come to past. Soon said phenomenal made aware bring him into comprehension of the seven headed, ten crown beast, as recorded Revelation 17.
-It is also that the prophet Daniel hundreds of year earlier did see. that mesmerized him in great degrees until he was told by an incarnate Jesus. That's to seal it all until this very hour, arranged by a rider of death and ticking us backward Daniel's time table once stalled allowing Christ's Cross to the Church Age, assuredly as the Angel Gabriel 2004/5 did indicate. That's how all fulfillment is upon mankind, as so was said, how she would go with a seventh angel, for when the seventh angels shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets, Rev. 10:7.” -Why doeth thou marvel? They as well inquired of a made mentally impaired Apostle John, I will show you mystery, soon to be explained upon by a certain Angel/Holy Spirit, that five of said heads are fallen. How one is, and again there's one which haven't yet come, such is this one pending according to what Secretary of State John Kerry, and all men involved here are brewing up of great achievements, as themselves, with many predestined this toll of death. Unknowingly, but definitely a return to the recent Syrian ceasefire per Geneva Switzerland soil, (a voice, a cry, "don't touch Geneva," apparently this yet pending ceasefire is why). All things rebellious which must as Jesus lamented, be realized all according to mankind's politicking even religion, right into the worse of declamations to desolations ever, the end time man of sin.
-Especially with said agreements mostly Islamic, proving why there had to be the Obama administration, two weeks and sevens of it, first, now expired. Herein when said staying of military conflict is reached, and agreed upon for a term of seven years, such the designed amalgamation of nations shall stand but only for a little while. That's 42 months to be exact, Rev. 11:1, 2 and then another, this little horn Daniel did see, going on to slay three of said nations, how he is then the eighth, and for an additional 42 months, see Dan. 7-12, Rev. 13:5. Here is completely spent Daniel's final week of years; again I say hallelujah! So here we are standing before God's man Gabriel once again, the one forth-telling of a young soon to be Mother Mary.
-The one who'd expounded the coming little horn, to the man of sin, to the Antichrist upon the prophet Daniel. as lead of the specialty gentleman dressed so perfectly of linen. While as I've testified again and again here He, Gabriel was warning of this generation of world leaders into it's billions of inheritance is come the fulfillment of all things biblical all tangled and webbed into human being to demonic spirits. I like to say, Daniel was told to conceal, John to reveal, now the Bride was being told to fulfill, then is come the cry, even the command to synchronize Israel, (Daniel's Week), even to get the twelve heirs, see Rev. 7, all 144,000 are being sealed. When just as soon, not only do I see the proposed for the ancient Antichrist in great prowess as had been equally prophesied, even to overcome the Tribulation Saints for a time, again 42 months is this lethal reign.
-You see this is what was meant, as I busied the kitchen, and Holy Spirit began speaking with me, and I quote Him, "soon the Bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints as the Antichrist is given power over them," Rev. 13, I didn't realize it then, but the Bride's heaven bound assignment of intercessory prayer for those straddling the fence now left behind, this incomprehensible horror. Though just as I witness how beyond victorious this Beast of beast, I saw such this marvelous of heighten awareness thing, the stone cut out without hands seeing to Jesus' Millennium. Plainly, we get really detached religiously, politically and domestically to the point of violence and bloody wars, undeniably every time these areas come even close to being resolved as had been prophesied these thousands of years.
-Either not realizing or caring, these are all the more fore warnings that God's Will and not the Will of men, are being done here. Certainly if you plan to spend eternity with Him, His Kingdom, His Name or such the blood to heart-felt reconciliation is Jesus, forever and ever. I've testified how then Senator Obama was explicated to me by Holy Spirits doing what could only have been a meeting of world leaders and in this scenario of a gathering of many such the like I was one of them. They'd brought me around to a seat, where I sat across from him, and as soon as I did, I heard Holy Spirit say, and I quote, "he is the one." Soon this one began explaining how greatly apathetic he is toward all mankind, and soon how he would prove this, again to me, that all I had to do was attend his itinerary.
-Seemingly of which in real time went on to be his meeting then with world leaders Britain and France, but what is presently that being reported this particular article at best, the ever proposed cease fire of Issac to Ismail's inheritance and yet another, it's gravely desired finale, a little horn on the rise. Nonetheless this revisit of the last Syrian Truce involving Geneva, Syria, Russia and this wait for an hour upon a nation that is lately overcome by a beast like system, President Obama's United States of America; who I remind you only held this agreement for a limited time. This is possibly way, reading behind a poster lately, as one made all the more accusations how Obama is the Antichrist, whereas a portion of his comment was how clearly he is not, as Israel would never accept Obama.
-Though haven't you been listening to bible prophecy? We're not talking about Obama nor any other man, we're indicating the fulfillment of biblical scripture in regards to the most Ancient of a Satanic, to Demonic creature, whereas possessing in one hour these men, yes including Israel, that they give him every thing pending their rise to ultimate world empires themselves, see Rev. 17:12-14.
Heretofore, referencing this end time beast, Apostle John and I, Apostle Bradford both saw them as they entered the affairs of leading men, lately as of a pending Obama administration, one from land, one from sea disguised as debate regarding Hussein filling stations.
-On forewarn to possess them in ways that has only been witnessed and foretold by the most faithful of Apostles and Prophets of old into the very Revelations of God. Now at present along more magnificent horrors and man slaughter than ever before or ever again to be seen, miraculously whenever these territories as being reported here this particular article. Indefinitely until Christ Himself reign you're looking at what great to minor prophets of old to Christ and His Apostles where equally promised by God, would surely come to pass, additionally why a visiting Angel Gabriel 2004, even mention the Seventh Angel
-And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets, See Rev. 10
-Now when the Angel Gabriel 2004, did mention the seventh angel to me, and this was after he declared that 'the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind,' I remember thinking, inquiring in my head, isn't there something in the bible about a seventh angel? Reading it as you just read only again verified what Gabriel did say, again a fulfillment of all things is now upon or possessing the overall intentions of men. Plainly all that the prophets did see, hear and was made to know right into this very second, as the next prophetic moment only belong to Elohim. Surely enter into His Courts with thanksgiving, and into His Gates with praise, be thankful unto Him and bless His Name. For the Lord is good, His Mercies everlasting and His Truth endureth unto all generation, let everything that hath breath praise His Holy Name.
Our God Hath Triumph Gloriously, The Horse And Rider Hath He Trampled Under Feet! The Sung Of Moses and Miriam, see Exod. 15
-So what we have before us now is the greatest of celebration ever, but like most of biblical ceremonies man contrived at the heart doesn't have a clue. So just imagine for a while seeing Jesus' Millennium, the authentic Prince Of Peace reigning over Obama's White house, as this end time Apostle did see. Well, as Whitney Houston's version of Joy to World, and it's playing continuously, even pouring like manna, the bread of life, down from the heavens itself, Joy to the world, for the Lord hath come, let Heaven and Nature sing, come is now it's reigning King, Marriage Supper, kiss this Son as He alone is worthy, blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord, Jehovah, Awake! Be aware as God, Adonai Himself, Apb, The RAM, see also also see
Listening To Whitney's Houston's Song, Recently Given As A Word, "Joy To The World,"
Thursday, December 22, 2016
The Pale Horse 2001, Just This Outbreak Of Mortuary
Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twenty-three 12/21 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
-Righteously Dividing The Enemy
to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an
EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company
incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made
immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb ,
Triple Threat, Trump, Mountains, Bunkers, Alex Jones, Fall On Us,
reminded of the Triple Threat years past that made me marvel more
than any other thirty years of prophetic forewarning. That Damater,
(natural disasters, like a Yellowstone explosion), The Heavenly
elements (see Nibiru and such the like), and warmongering mankind
(see America, Syria, Russia and China), would in ways like never,
ever before perform themselves chaotically so, all to explain seeing
nuclear missiles fall as we ascended.
forewarning not only to flee America, the West, as of the Mayan
Calendar 2012, but to as well, vacate the planet as an entire, see
Jesus promise to snatch out the Bride made worthy by His Blood, from
all such troubles, see Lk. 21:36, I Thess. 4, I Cor. 15, Apb, see
also, see more here, my
response to the inquiry, did Trump Just Con Everyone? See,
Pale Horse 2001, Just This Outbreak Of Mortuary
-These men, all of them are what they need be to get us all through to bible prophecy fulfillment, they it's victim, which like never before is now. God as judge, jury and executioner arrested His Case against Mystery America, into the rebellious inhabitants of this planet ages ago, what I, and so many other Righteous seers been hearing. Heretofore seeing and by an unspeakable Grace and mercy, made to know these thirty plus years is only these various reenactments of being found guilty as charged and as recently as 2001 given a sentence of judgment pliable until October 2017.
so, with an appearing Angel Gabriel as Heavens Host, the believers
Heirs is to forewarn themselves, get not to your homes, as all
treasured they're dust and ashes, but your heart in order; the
sacrifices of God are a broken (repentant), heart, a broken and
contrite spirit, see Psalm 51. Simply self sacrificial unto a new
man, holy spirit acceptable to God, all other such the like counted
as abominable sacrifices, see more here,
is a player, and these are his chest pieces, voters do want him to do
this impossible thing, change God's mind about destroying abominable,
leopard coat wearing America/Mystery Babylon. Only as in the days of
Abraham regarding Sodom and Gomorrah's doomed fate, not gonna happen.
Though actors are good at putting on a show, even if they're dead in
the grossly infested prophesied waters, again victimized so. Thus one
single inquiry, until blessed resurrection poised as pending NEO's
just above, got Jesus yet, got Him? Get To The Alters of blood
reconciliation, Awake, be alert as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see
Roman 10:9, 10, see also,
To: Whitney Houston's, Given As A Word, Do You Hear What I Hear?
Prophecy Link Made to see stampeding people as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable of help.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further eastward, Apb
-The Triple Threat, Trump,
Mountains, Bunkers, Alex Jones, Fall On Us, HIde Us
-When I was given the timetable of 190 months, Dec. 2001, that's 15.10 years, herein prophesying an E.L.E. event to happen as of Oct. 2017, I knew nothing about a pending Nibiru impact. I just knew according to what Holy Spirits showed me this night, said cataclysmic events would sit the nation back these 190 years, see Eze. 4. You maybe able to discount doomsayers, but not bible prophecy, as the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn Himself, something this horrendous this way cometh.
-When I was given the timetable of 190 months, Dec. 2001, that's 15.10 years, herein prophesying an E.L.E. event to happen as of Oct. 2017, I knew nothing about a pending Nibiru impact. I just knew according to what Holy Spirits showed me this night, said cataclysmic events would sit the nation back these 190 years, see Eze. 4. You maybe able to discount doomsayers, but not bible prophecy, as the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn Himself, something this horrendous this way cometh.
-Even the dream I deem The Phoenix is describing something cataclysmic happening in the heaven lies, In the dream I watched in horror, as did everyone else as the sky above crystallized all over. As it cracked along these huge shods that became missiles like, shooting, targeting everybody and everything on this planet. All who began to scream and run for their lives, when as well I begin to see two crystallized beast. They both appearing as a mutated form of an amphibian creature, an alligator to a Godzilla type monster, (see Rev. 13), as well I feel being unveiled here.
-As so the dream I recently deemed a fat man singing Armageddon, of seeing Michael Cloud Duncan, one of the main characters of the Movie Armageddon, singing Opera in a wilderness. Which itself is about a huge planetary body targeting the earth, whereas it's to cause total annihilation of all things on this planet. Why is it we go on as though none of these horrors are prophetic? When said, deadliest of impacts are only one of many E. L. E. type dangers targeting this planet, now as Jesus would say, repent or perish! Beware, Apb, see Rev. 6, also see,
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Righteously Diving The Enemy, Antichrist Is Here
You Know Where Your Bible is?
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twenty-four 12/22 of the "week," prophecy 08/20, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
-Righteously Dividing The Enemy
(We Are, You Are), Jesus Christ, Malawi’s
Transformation, Rashid
M’Balaka might have been the scariest person in his village in
rural Malawi. He abused his wife, “Nora”. His father was an imam
(Muslim teacher), and Rashid made a living digging up human bones and
selling them for ancestors worship. Most people in his Yao village
practiced folk Islam, blending tribal practices with Islam.
then, Rashid met an evangelist names Joseph. Rashid was already
discontent with his life, and the gospel message Joseph described
addressed his internal restlessness. But he wasn’t ready to give up
his old culture, faith and customs until he met Jesus himself.
after Joseph shared the gospel with him, Rashid had a dream. The next
morning, Rashid appeared at Joseph’s door with tears in his eyes.
The man in his dream told him that what he had learned from Joseph
was true. He told Joseph that the man looked so beautiful that he
could not even look into his face. Rashid accepted Christ, and was
baptized, and his life was transformed.
was eager to share the good news with his wife, but she didn’t
believe him when he said he’d been changed. And when his wife’s
family, with whom they lived according to Yao tradition, was
furious. See more
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as in the day of Noah, Jesus Mat. 24, my people are being stripped, GOH, a silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, my prayer closet 1993, Apb
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as in the day of Noah, Jesus Mat. 24, my people are being stripped, GOH, a silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, my prayer closet 1993, Apb
the last demonstration of rapture, there was something about a little
drummer boy as we all ascended up, stayed a while in heaven with
Jesus, see, hear,,
I have three in my family, how about you?
to be seeing a blinking black and white sign of the word, DEATH! An
outbreak of Memorials on US soil, even on the map, 11/26/2016
to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016,
something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, upon
bearing His Cross, stored away in heaven.
Voice Declaring: "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't
remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with
something in the form of an ELE US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way
coming, beware, Apb
One Hundred And Ninety Pound Satanic/Demonic Teenager In The Room No
One Talks About
you hear what I
hear,, only one of my
favorite lately, especially since I spend a night
hearing it, how truly genius, the inquiry of
this song, especially for an Apostle Prophet who has
spend the last thirty years of her life, asking the most
important questions of out reaching what some call Christendom,
what the singing group Selah or whom Selah has labored the People Of The Cross, as like their Christ Lord Jesus, they're
the earth’s future martyrs to resurrection. The
earth and the heavens are all abuzz phenomenally so with the birth
and arrival of the Christ's child only presently the same is
-I know, this Apostle of Resurrection keep telling you and again phenomenally so as has been prophesied prophets and Apostle, past and present. Christ the Lord is risen these thousands of years has prepared a group of believers to do the same, as he hath promised to arrive them, God's throne, as this Heir to Him, and Heavens Throne all ascending down this New Jerusalem. So the morrow of the song, it's beyond important inquiry is, do you see what Christ's Bride see, hear what Christ's Bride hear and most importantly, do you know what Christ's Bride knows?
-Their Christ Lord Jesus no longer hinder His arrival but is now come again, soon a shout, the voice, cry of the archangel , see General Michael and the Trump not of the Whitehorse, so tremendously failed already, this falseness of a rule, but the Christ, Trump of God will sound, as we, the people of the cross, phenomenally known as the Righteous Bride are caught up to meet Him in the clouds. Apparently where He's been park awaiting a fullness time since Holy Spirits by why of divine text messages, even while the Bride is enduring it's greatest of trials here assured of said finale, that He is on His Way here.
-Thus the other, most daunting lyrical of all, Bill Withers,“ain't no sunshine when she's gone." Undoubtedly the One Trump I saw passed off to the Angel Gabriel, even the one who’d only appeared to becoming Mother Mary then to announce his conception into birth, arrival his, let heaven and nature sing, glory to our Christ King, finally to arrive again, let everything that hath breath praise his holy name, truly blessed beyond all things comprehensible, is the one come in the name of the Lord in the first , hallelujah I say, O happy day., see, read more here.
-I know, this Apostle of Resurrection keep telling you and again phenomenally so as has been prophesied prophets and Apostle, past and present. Christ the Lord is risen these thousands of years has prepared a group of believers to do the same, as he hath promised to arrive them, God's throne, as this Heir to Him, and Heavens Throne all ascending down this New Jerusalem. So the morrow of the song, it's beyond important inquiry is, do you see what Christ's Bride see, hear what Christ's Bride hear and most importantly, do you know what Christ's Bride knows?
-Their Christ Lord Jesus no longer hinder His arrival but is now come again, soon a shout, the voice, cry of the archangel , see General Michael and the Trump not of the Whitehorse, so tremendously failed already, this falseness of a rule, but the Christ, Trump of God will sound, as we, the people of the cross, phenomenally known as the Righteous Bride are caught up to meet Him in the clouds. Apparently where He's been park awaiting a fullness time since Holy Spirits by why of divine text messages, even while the Bride is enduring it's greatest of trials here assured of said finale, that He is on His Way here.
-Thus the other, most daunting lyrical of all, Bill Withers,“ain't no sunshine when she's gone." Undoubtedly the One Trump I saw passed off to the Angel Gabriel, even the one who’d only appeared to becoming Mother Mary then to announce his conception into birth, arrival his, let heaven and nature sing, glory to our Christ King, finally to arrive again, let everything that hath breath praise his holy name, truly blessed beyond all things comprehensible, is the one come in the name of the Lord in the first , hallelujah I say, O happy day., see, read more here.
Apostle's Note
-Below is yet a parable out of the Juttah Septennial of which has transformed unintentionally by this Apostle, but it's a demonstration of Resurrection into a form of Christ's Millennium, even God's Kingdom reign now come to the earth. So if at times they appear far removed from the horrendous troubles and unprecedented death tolls on the planet, this triple threat forewarn seeming ancient ago. Frightfully with America seeming to march on forward it's alternate plans regardless is again why it's been deem these few years now a slow motion exodus, into a woman bearing black bowls, approches.
-America, the West is no more, with it taking a see, hear, and know no evil stance, it's impossible to detour the greatest horrors ever to happen to them. That's US soil into earth's inhabitants ever, or ever again, explaining not only by the pale horse judgment will a fourth of the earth die, but never losing their heart to Jesus the Christ, hell rides with him, repent here,
The One Hundred And Ninety Pound Satanic/Demonic Teenager In The Room
The Trump Of A Trojan Horse, Beware! Righteous Kingdoms Reign
suddenly overwhelmed by the Trojan horse story, isn't that rather
odd, what is that? I know you don't believe Sahel, but it's
called a word of knowledge, followed was a Greek tragedy and
cataclysmic end to those worshiping idolatry for
victory over their enemy, of those thought untouchable
being safeguarded by false gods, so like now, in the end, nobody
win. I'm going to Miss Miller's class for an earlier
start, then I'll walk you. You know Sword that is what they're
calling Trump, and listening to you and your friend going on about
your Maaseiah's dream, I might not believe, but I can still hear. This is a subterfuge that leadth to death, again a Trojan horse, if she's right, right?
Yes, right, my Christ, you have been listening, only it's impossible
to get them to believe, as the Greeks were rooted and grounded their
many of worthless gods. Presently America, the world are equally
dependent and more in their Mystery America. Maaseiah even
said lately, completely mind blowing everyone. It was how the whole of
the Western world, should have been
as evacuated as the ancient Mayan Cities, and
that's per the Maya calendar of 2012. Wow, that is just
so scary, to ah realize, I mean, way too scary.” Overwhelmingly bringing
about a form of brain freeze as she thought about all of her family,
and how much danger, meaning they were nothing more than sitting
ducks, and it's pond, actually molten lava for as far
as one is to see, just as she'd dreamed. Look, I know, I at times, hey darling man, it's heart breaking to hear, but everything is changed and
there is no denying it, I've seen it, and if you tell
anyone, I will deny it. Though these unthinkable horrors hard to
lament, there's Sahel no denying it's the elite behind it, even aliens,
though there is tremendous doubt into an astringent mockery that God
is bringing His end time Will. Worriedly, just as the Angel Gabriel
foretold Maaseiah, 2004, even announcing the seventh angel, the seventh angel Sword,
need I asked? It's out of the book of revelation, God's throne into
the whole of Heavens host are finally celebrating the overthrow of
rebellious man. Whose Kingdoms and people have fallen again under the
Righteous, Holy government of God and His Christ, making these nations instead angry, whereas
they're to rule forever. A world rule by God, Sahel, Maaseiah witness
being fulfilled as Jesus' Millennium incredibly behind
Obama's, frightfully as though Trump and all allying him never, ever mattered, or
existed. I'm sorry love, I said too much, no, it explain the
lyrics to this holiday rhyme, ah song, do you hear what I hear, do
you see what I see, know what I know? I know it wasn't just about the
song, it's the promise of Christ how Holy Spirit is
come to lead us into all truth, that we're not to be ignorant. I
know, John Mark tell me things so, yes, again I know. So you two engaged to marry or what? It seems forever, but yes,
something like that, so I have one other question, the pounding of self,
treasures into the dust what is that? Ah, when you, or one realize he
or she is living or rather leading, all having followers, a life,
that opposes God, and they in their hearts come genuinely sorry. They Sahel get to a place, again, where they can by this sorrowful heart
apologize to God, that's before thy die, said offer is
valid only before death, and is lifted. It cannot be carried
into the grave, only while here, by Christ's cross, is our blood
offering for all transgressions omitted, by Him, Jesus alone. I know
that was kinda long, but tell me you understood, I did, amazing,
thanksgiving and thanksgiving again my friend for this,
see you for lunch, we talk more about this? Really? Yeah, between
you and John Mark, I believe finally, I get it, well stay safe until
then, meaning? Meaning Sahel, regardless of mankind's dependence
upon America as god, no time on this planet is promised, not even
the next second, hum, I guess I'll remember that. Then see you later? You Sword, what is your name, I know Sword is the end what is the
beginning? Kevon, ah Heathon Kevon Sword, wow, and your mom call you? Ah
Heath, well may I as well? It will Miss Fulton be
an honor, later then, yeah later." >>>"Craft just called, said we mother can't stay here any
longer, said a massive death toll unimaginable for a thousand years
has been predicted, here US soil. Especially for those living along
the coast need to bring it in as far as is possible, well, if we
Maxim listen to your brother, his Maaseiah, we're to leave America
all together, better late mother than ever before right? Papa, what,
what is it, I had a dream, Papa! I think, that is, ah in the night,
all lights, water was out, called the company son, they said nothing
could be done about it. Soon your aunt Louise come to take your mom
shopping, and just as soon I began to see all the people on the
street. Just this multicultural of a gathering and they were all
walking, leaving, leaving everything behind, as though transportation
was as well no more. No doubt father, all those dreams Maaseiah has had of
people riding, some three to a bike, not to alarm you all further," as one laying plates as to set a dinner table, perhaps now there
last supper, one is always pending. "Or perhaps to do exactly
that, Maaseiah is now saying all of the West should have been as
vacated as those Mayan cities being found, and no later mom, dad,
than the the Miya, 2012 calendar. So son you're saying it's happening
like that 2012 movie, no it's happening papa like Maaseiah has been
seeing and warning since a spring day thirty years ago and counting
and Hollywood making millions portraying her and others' prophecies. They were
all Beth, ah, son, headed you two further east, as in south east,
Maaseiah, well, Craft did say something about southern borders, along
what is described the four corners, but, not for staying, rather for
transport. I honey had a dream as well, I saw this woman this single
passenger paddling a boat through flood waters and here waving me on
that I'm to come with her, to follow. All of it, mom you need help
with that? All of it the parents I love is what my Juttah (Christ's
Jesus), brother, and your safe in the Juttah (resurrection/ Christ
Millennium), son is forewarning, what are we waiting on? I just don't
get it, He, well God, forewarn Maaseiah as clearly as I'm speaking to
you all right now, he would bring it all to waste. How they wouldn't
be able to give it away, temporal you guys, let that sink in, I mean
I was listening behind some financial analyst recently and he said,
what's the use of having any of it, if we're dead? And you dad, you
just got through describing the results of either an EMP attack (see or a CME explosion, (see, which is why the electrical company were helpless to
help. As so will be the government except to lock us all up these
Internment/Fema Camps, (, then the people seen walking is the evidence,
the mobile man was no more. Remember dad, multiculturalism, that even
seen by Westerners as a demon breed of socialism is the beginning Babel/Mystery America that brought us to the Woman Seed, Christ Jesus
in the first place. that's restoring the One man, blood lineage,
Adam, our brother's keeper, that Nimrod's Tower attempted, but like
America and all Antichrist
ruled nations, now failed, for except it's in Christ's Blood, divine
foundation rooted and grounded. We're not just talking a waste of
time, efforts but a waste of souls, the immortality that mortals
forgot, all the more proven by what a sorely weeping John sees, as he
sees a Lamb that looked as though it'd been slain now reigning in
heaven. Then Maaseiah you guys as presently as February twenty fifteen, seeing the reigning Bride now heaven bound, can't you see, this is happening assuredly for us
now, as it did the earliest of Jesus' Ministry? Then a once weeping
John announces, after this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude,
which no man could number, of father all nations, kindred, tribes,
tongues and people stood before the throne and before the Lamb.
That's clothed with white robes and palms in their hands, you two
finish eating, I'm going to make some calls, really son, you expect
us to eat after that? May every announced titter of it be so Papa, finally God's Kingdom Reign!
Awake, Apb, The RAM, and here,
Listening to Whitney's Joy To The World...
Monday, December 19, 2016
We Want Barabbas, We Want Hussein, Trump Is A Truexit, Escape!
Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twenty-one, 12/19 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link, The Outbreak Of Mortuary
Hark, I hear a voice, "2004, God said, He, possibly His Wine Press, or your little horn, or both, "will kill millions," see the rider of death, pale horse, 1996, 2001-2017
Hark, there's a voice, 2005, "the Antichrist will kill millions, as millions, go broke," see having a bear in 120 countries, 2016
Hark, a voice, 2016, "Kill All Parents, by, (we can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threatening for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents "IN THE LORD)."
A Black And White, Blinking Light Of Caution, Warning About Death, 2016
We Want Barabbas, We Want Hussein, We Want Trump, All Truexits, Escape!
30 day countdown, 11/19/2016-12/19/2016, intermission here, the US Electoral College Vote, Apb
-"No, take up shield and buckler is nothing less than calling on God, meaning the entirety of Heavens Host to fight your battles, our God is a God of war, remember? Exodus 15, even Psalm 91. So Kadesh, Beethoven man, you both were there, the Juttah Tribe and everything, well, what they say? Yeah, don't leave us all hanging here, they said Maaseiah said whether Trump actually sit as President depends on whether God is to have mercy or sacrifice. Yeah, yeah, okay Beethoven man but what does that mean in Maaseiah's terms? If God have mercy, then there will never be a Trump President, even Yellowstone, Niribu, or China threatening could blow causing the massive exodus she's been seeing these last decades, US soil, further explaining why Maaseiah saw the Whitehouse in flames and Jesus' Millennium following Obama's. Though, though you guys, I mean you all asked, if God like in the days of Noah is willing to sacrifice an entire country of hundreds of millions unrepentant in His Sight, there will be a Trump Whitehouse, this false sense of security. Which is equally why Maaseiah witness Obama's Whitehouse being overthrown by Jesus' Millennium and a peace far surpassing anything imaginable, don't forget that. Only you guys at the cause of soaring death tolls, like 15%, okay, okay, 15% how many is that? Ah like some 40 million, I'm sorry, did you just, yes, yes, Craftsman I did, meaning still after thousands of years of Jesus' Ministry and Revelations, there is a way you guys which seem right to man but the end thereof is the way of massive death tolls. See, see I knew it!" Angrily, aggressively spinning up, off, snatching his coat up, roughly arm by arm putting it on, this volatile, "that woman, that, ah my God she's crazy, could you do it Sword man, could you tell God's people, especially Americans, the hardest things ever, ever Sword man? I was here, I was here reading behind her 2003, that while they were hunting Saddam Hussein, she was placing him, a Hussein in the Whitehouse, equally crazy I know, but fulfilled through Barack Hussein Obama, whereas Jesus' Second Coming is now prophesied by her to follow.This is not about the elite or any kingdom or nation in power, God will decimate all of them, by the reveal of prophecy these thousands of years He already has, it's Gabriel's 2004 purposeful mentioning of the seventh Angel. This is about God's Will for this planet and all believers looking to Him to keep His Promises, Kadesh ( Meshullam Kadesh Kroff, Sia Prreece, Juttah Africa), is right you guys, you, where are you going Craftsman? To tell my American family to get the shopping, before the stuff hit the fan there man, like that's even gonna help, yeah I read behind some guy warning about the worse to happen US soil ever, said he was moving to Belgium. You all know what you're saying right? Either Trump, man's or God, it is only a means of escaping America, or any other Western soil, even those allying them, this Brexit, yeah Blaze man, that sound about right, but as for me and my house, we know Kadesh man, the entire African Juttah, you'll gonna serve the God and Righteous Commander of us all. Maaseiah said especially at this point, there is only one escape, that is to pound self and all you think is right and treasured into the dust and plant you an alter of Jesus Christ therein; remember what Maaseiah saw way back when, like 2005, she saw what we now call the Brexit, she saw what she now call the Truexit, yeah, yeah in 2003? When she saw what we've deem Obama's Whitehouse, two terms worth as Bush's one error/era and newest fear-factor, Maaseiah saw Britain, America beside Rome, two other of the West founding fathers, especially trying to run away from their making of mankind these epidemics of holocaust into mounting blood debts. How they were instead ordered by Elohim God to be separated like the toes King Nebuchadnezzar's image, into itty, bitty pieces. They've on this constant made themselves rich Sword man off of innocent blood, do you really think God is going to just sit idly by and just let them walk or run away from these unspeakable abominations? No, it is Him crying aloud, I will laugh when your fear cometh! Why these times of Obama has been deem an additional factor of fear, this is why God through the Psalmist cry, fret not thyself, they'll soon be cut down, why they've been shown all these millennia running, caving, panicking, Brexit, Trump, Mass Assembly, Mountains, Bunkers fall on us and hide us, for the great day of His Wrath is come and who shall be able to stand? When it's insane, said wrath of God is stumping the wide world earth along this immeasurable wine-press, He's coming after them, it's to flow to the horses bridles with unrepentant blood, like 175 miles of it. There is a scene you guys revealed by John, whereas the great whore of religion the West and the world has a cup of Martyred Blood in her hand, this is her, this is their imbibe you guys, this is why first thing, first plague, God gave the people of Egypt blood to drink. There's no difference here present day, national to world leaders, it's why Maaseiah called on all voting booths this fallacious, deadly to be pound into repentant alters. America, the western world is to be told by it's leaders abroad to get out or die, or God will hold everyone of them responsible for the greatest of deception. But what Brave, ah Heart, does that mean? It's like you went into a trance there, remember what God told the prophet Ezekiel, knowing and not warning the people, these people will surely die, but their blood will be required at thine hand, or their false leaders hands. It's the same threat aimed at all leaders falsely leading his people, by the weeping God behind Maaseiah's prophesied silence in heaven. Yeah, "let my people go,"announced the Sunlight of God, from a behind a mountain, having brought the greatest of heavens celebration to a screeching halt. Possibly you guys the overall purpose for both John and Maaseiah's again, notably silence in heaven, crying aloud, "behold I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day they were born." So, they are Sword not going to any unreachable place on this planet, above it nor beneath it, whereas God's wrath can't find nor reach them. Thus you guys," as one clearly wiping both of her cheeks this way, Preecest Falcon Braveheart Longknife Deburk, marriage worshipers, now a wife (Preece Beethoven Fifth Arz, BFA), and projected mother to be. "The warning, even the thirty day countdown into today, 11/19/2016-12/19/2016, how soon the Church Bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the Tribulation Saints as the Antichrist. Undoubtedly one of the two beast Maaseiah saw rise just as the Hussein Obama administration, is given power to overcome them, so it is more them you guys now crying Elohim way, take up shield and buckler and stand up for our help! Yeah Braveheart, because the Bride no longer here, is now reigning in heaven, just as Maaseiah saw, you guys know that right? Please Kadesh man," by this time they had a standing party all around them, ears to hear, hearts to receive, hopefully. Well just as John saw the wounded Lamb, and the twenty-four elders now reigning in heaven, Maaseiah saw the Bride also reigning there, said she had in her possession, the stone cut out without hands of Dan. 2. That it had the surface of a meteor, these phenoms never revealed before, said when she had released it, she heard a voice lament, "this is the Antichrist murderer," proving you guys, Nibiru, nor any other near earth planetary body is a hoax. They're not only real, they're prophetic and they too are coming or is come, and the earth and it's inhabitants sit this primary target. We have news, kinda off the subject, Braveheart is carrying, we're now pregnant, ah my god is Christ! They all began to celebrate, hand shaking, shoulder pats,"so it's final it is? So single, twins or quads, we're replenishing the new earth, as of the Genesis, BFA is going to be a father, yes, Kadesh, man, and I can't hardly wait." They say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, awake, Apb, The RAM, Jesus is our ark of salvation, see more here, www/
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Underwood, Wormwood, An End Hath come!
Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and eighteen, 12/16 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link, The Outbreak Of Mortuary
Hark, I hear a voice, "2004, God said, He, possibly His Wine Press, or your little horn, or both, "will kill millions," see the rider of death, pale horse, 1996, 2001-2017
Hark, there's a voice, 2005, "the antichrist will kill millions, as millions, go broke," see having a bear in 120 counries, 2016
Hark, a voice, 2016, "Kill All Parents, by, (we can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threating for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents "IN THE LORD)."
A Black And White, Blinking Light Of Caution, Warning About Death, 2016
"And what darling Maaseiah does that mean? It mean contrary to reasoning my darling Nicholas Edin, bible prophecy is undoubtedly being fulftilled in our time, as in with every tick, tock of the clock. Wait a minute, speaking of clocks," an awareness sitting her straight up, this stunning marriage bed, themselves. "Did you Nicholas Edin Coogan just make mockery of me? I just made mad love to you and can't wait to do it again, what is that face about? Tickling him, that's she to askew that stunning face at belitting his response, this adorable cunning, "I'm serious babe what, this clock? Ok, ok," settling again into his priceless warm chest, arms, leaving it all a mystery for now, but the way he said, darling Maaseiah, which is her name, though he always called her Tiffany Ann. "Let's say we do this all day, breakfast and more of us, lunch and more of us, dinner and more of us, and let the snacking into napping just as stunning be just more of us. Ah I'm sorry Mr. teenagers again, though all that sound quite lovely, I have my work, studies and my class, my learners tend to do better husband Nicholas when I'm actually there. So is that a reincheck, like more of you, ah us, doing your lunch break perhaps? Let me go, let me up, I'm to shower, do coffee, and you, you're do at the firm, remember, Mr. tuitor, how are you going to teach those future lawmen to be as brilliant as you, unless you, ah, my god, what, what? The backward running clock, the one under the death rider, that's alone Nicholas been ticking us back, as surely as Jesus' Grace has been launching us forward this intrepid adventure it's much needed out reach into His Millennium. That is why His Cross was pctured there, powerless, but there no less, I don't understand, powerless? Ah, Nicholas, sin hath reigm and the rider, the bringer of death it's reaping, sin is death, that is why I got sinbad additionally as a word just last night, the earth is to for this final time suffer this curse's wrath. Even it's pale horse judgment, with hell following, with tens of millions predicted to die Nicholas US soil alone. I know, just as in the beginning of said prophecy, it's unbelievable, but there is no undoing it, all rebellion must cease, beginning here. Ok, I know that's a lot to swallow, still what has my stunner husband so stirred? As babe I open my eyes this morning I heard the word Underwood, you mean like Blair Underwood?" As one slightly blowing her cup this tease, along a smile, amusingly him into accusing her, no I'm sure it wasn't about your crush, well I'm just saying," as one cutting into her fruit and cream covered bagel, again, taunting him. "Seriously Tiffany if anything what does it mean? I don't know, looking at her with those darling, literally edible eyes, older now, but even more stunning than before. "People getting to fall out and homeless shelters Nicholas like never before, I mean laterly I've had many dreams of people living in malls. Even how some malls had been reformed into fall out shelters and ah, ah, ah what honey, I'm hanging by this thread of suspense here! I had this dream lately Nicholas, whereas it was as though we're all captived this beyond sizeable maze, even where restrooms were beging designed as traps especially for the children, possibly the gender related restroom brawls. When just as more clarity come, I began to realized we were all standing this line upon line of nothing more plenteous behind or at a water cooler, and I'm talking millions awaiting this single water stop. So when it's my turn, this woman bearing black bowls approaches, black bowls, are you serious? I kid you not, black bowls honey as in the vials of Revelation 16, and if you thought seeing the pale horse judgment, 2001, is mighty, it's nothing in comparison to those vials. Then it's like she begin to stumble and I reach out to help her, and strangely enough we strike up this conversation Nicholas about homeless shelters. Then oddly as all this is, she reaches into a pocket, bring forth a business card not my love about better homes and gardens, but better homeless shelter. We, earth's inhabitants are in so much trouble, I mean not since Noah's earth and Jesus alone the only good shepherd, good death you know. Ah my god Tiffany, ah Maaseiah, well that 's it, I have got to get used to you honey calling me that, it's isn't just the fall out shelters and those pending all over the nation, it's everything, like paper dragons. It's the homes, the businesses, the monetary systems, the Whitehouse, possibly why you saw it burning. Everything we treasure on this earth, above all that is life and living, all that is God, had it's beginning or are kept under wood and subject to burning. As in so, so vulnerable, again like facing the God of all gods as this paper dragon, never has it been, nor will it ever be a match for Him, nothing nor anyone is. Yes, Nicholas, I'm reminded of when Moses asked who do I say send me, and Elohim said, I am, that I am, it's the same as His saying, we will know, He alone is God. Not these priceless relics we travel all over this nation and world to supposedly bath our starving for ancestory hearts and mind. That my love is why we are given the Genesis, even the bible as an entire, I'm reminded of the Apostle Paul finding a reason to defend the male rule. Here saying the woman was from him, thus he is ruler, only to realize just as urgently, that the man is also from the woman, they can't exist beyond the Genesis one without the other, isn't that amazing? Only the enmity, the woman seed, Jesus's Cross, restoring these ancients of babels, of falling apart, and both, Paul soon lament, are from God. If you are a human being Nicholas, stop being deceived, that is the only geneology you need, the only one that's going to stay all this spinning abroad with cloaked mystery. Ah my God, underwood, how beyond clever is that? Yes, it reiterates Pauls warning how anything build upon God's foundation, these abominations will be tried by fire, yeah like all the infernos lately, and more, beyond imagining to come, way beyond the White House. Yes Nicholas, it will all be tried by fire and burnt up, we're to put no other God's before him, Greece and Egypt were found to have more gods than could be counted. Well westernized civilization has far surpassed that, they are idolatry personified, I know honey you're in a hurry, as babe are you, keeping your students, our students. Anyway, when the woman, bearing black bowels stumbles, that can't be conincidence right? No, it's God yet managing to show mercy doing the worse of trials ever, this stumble is like an intermission given that isn't Nicholas to be taken lightly, we're to get ourselves out, away, get to some place safe, that is not America. I feel such a hypocrite, I'm contemplating quitting, it's like I'm pitching better delusions, when I know, none of it, returning to the ashes that had it Tiffany was never worth having. Especially not worth our blood, spirit nor our soul, yes, Jesus teaching the Samaritan woman, what's more important even than the life giving, saving water she's drawing from Jacob's well? The people escaping with Moses, had to eventually rely on a rock in the dessert to settle their life threating thirst, instructed to spesk to the rock. Embittered
instead into striking it, that rock of ages, of salvation Nicholas was Jesus, incarnated, I know what you're saying," sniffing along, brushing tear stained cheeks, these golden eyes did fill immediately, suddenly this tight hug of his neck, to hold them together ever so tight. "I'll see you for lunch," a whisper that ticked, and charmed his ear, even his blood, "I wouldn't miss it," reinterating this special of all hugs, "ok my darling, I'll see you then." >>>"Thanks Macala for the history lesson regarding China and Taiwan, only what Claire dream to me is, well, your father Claire ending up as Hawaii five O character Chen. His going off to China, is indicative of Maaseiah's prophecy for over a decade regarding an Asian invasion US soil. Meaning like a Hussein was predicted 2003, to one day father this nation, so is China bordering on the same thing, this rule, this father of nation America . Now when it come to Hawaii, remember that purposeful setting of this ring of fire all around that Maaseiah shared with us? Well, Hawaii represent the potential volcanos also threatening US soil. In these episodes Sarah's father name was Gabriel, like the Angel Gabriel 2004, warning Maaseiah we're at the finale of all biblical prophecy. Then you guys there's Sarah's name sake which is the reminder we're edging on Daniel's final week, also deem, Jacob's troubles, taking us back to Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Ismail. That's into the Jihad of all Jihad's Armageddon, it's why Maaseiah also witness Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's, the cataclysmic end of the West yes, but the beginning of God's Kingdom reigning on earth. Again why the Angel Gabriel appearing is found so urgent, that He mention the Seventh Angel, meaning heavens host, right into God's Throne are celebrating the fall of all rebellious mankind, those we've again by this newest election put our fate/faith in. As so you guys, the fact, right now, China and Taiwan are both threatening Trumps potential Whitehouse, make this, Claire's dream all the more amazing. Further I can tell you, Russia supporting Trump, regardless, Putin doesn't want to find himself on the wrong side of China, so if he's given an ultimatum, I'm just saying. Simply you guys, nothing is going to prevent the western world whose literally pregnant with defeat into deletion assigned Intrepid judgments, 2001-2017, it's happening and all that is America may as well come to turn with it, and escape while they still can. I mean like Jesus suggesting Jerusalem flee, when they see all is lost to a beast slash Antichrist system, that is America, the West, right now; pray for women with infant children, and pray said flight, like right now isn't in the winter; Jesus landing the top of Olivet now their deliverance. What Sword man, what? Nall BFA man, it's just you got all of that out of a dream, then don't look at it that way, look at how desperate toward our enlightenment, the Holy Spirit had to be to speak by why of a donkey. The measures they take you guys, is ever the proof, we're not to perish, not if Elohim is to already by Christ's Cross help it, thanks Kadesh man, welcome. Look, I don't know about you guys but grandmar Rumars birthday is today and I got like pecan pie and ice cream waiting, my favorite. Ok Beeth man, but it's whose birthday? Her birthday wish was to cook us our favorite, the whole Juttah Tribe you guys are gonna be there, you know she's their grand as well. I think Beethoven man we kinda knew that, well you Kadesh man, you're invited, so you coming? So Claire, I'll run the dream by them? Sure, great, well ok you guys, blessed day, stay safe. So how is it Kadesh you're invited? That Cush man would be because I received an invitation days ago, really forgot about it, wouldn't want to past up the opportunity to meet with the Tribe, though, I'll see what Megan think, so I'm out as well, see you guys later, yeah, have fun!" They say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, awake! Apb, The RAM, see also,
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and eighteen, 12/16 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link, The Outbreak Of Mortuary
Hark, I hear a voice, "2004, God said, He, possibly His Wine Press, or your little horn, or both, "will kill millions," see the rider of death, pale horse, 1996, 2001-2017
Hark, there's a voice, 2005, "the antichrist will kill millions, as millions, go broke," see having a bear in 120 counries, 2016
Hark, a voice, 2016, "Kill All Parents, by, (we can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threating for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents "IN THE LORD)."
A Black And White, Blinking Light Of Caution, Warning About Death, 2016
"And what darling Maaseiah does that mean? It mean contrary to reasoning my darling Nicholas Edin, bible prophecy is undoubtedly being fulftilled in our time, as in with every tick, tock of the clock. Wait a minute, speaking of clocks," an awareness sitting her straight up, this stunning marriage bed, themselves. "Did you Nicholas Edin Coogan just make mockery of me? I just made mad love to you and can't wait to do it again, what is that face about? Tickling him, that's she to askew that stunning face at belitting his response, this adorable cunning, "I'm serious babe what, this clock? Ok, ok," settling again into his priceless warm chest, arms, leaving it all a mystery for now, but the way he said, darling Maaseiah, which is her name, though he always called her Tiffany Ann. "Let's say we do this all day, breakfast and more of us, lunch and more of us, dinner and more of us, and let the snacking into napping just as stunning be just more of us. Ah I'm sorry Mr. teenagers again, though all that sound quite lovely, I have my work, studies and my class, my learners tend to do better husband Nicholas when I'm actually there. So is that a reincheck, like more of you, ah us, doing your lunch break perhaps? Let me go, let me up, I'm to shower, do coffee, and you, you're do at the firm, remember, Mr. tuitor, how are you going to teach those future lawmen to be as brilliant as you, unless you, ah, my god, what, what? The backward running clock, the one under the death rider, that's alone Nicholas been ticking us back, as surely as Jesus' Grace has been launching us forward this intrepid adventure it's much needed out reach into His Millennium. That is why His Cross was pctured there, powerless, but there no less, I don't understand, powerless? Ah, Nicholas, sin hath reigm and the rider, the bringer of death it's reaping, sin is death, that is why I got sinbad additionally as a word just last night, the earth is to for this final time suffer this curse's wrath. Even it's pale horse judgment, with hell following, with tens of millions predicted to die Nicholas US soil alone. I know, just as in the beginning of said prophecy, it's unbelievable, but there is no undoing it, all rebellion must cease, beginning here. Ok, I know that's a lot to swallow, still what has my stunner husband so stirred? As babe I open my eyes this morning I heard the word Underwood, you mean like Blair Underwood?" As one slightly blowing her cup this tease, along a smile, amusingly him into accusing her, no I'm sure it wasn't about your crush, well I'm just saying," as one cutting into her fruit and cream covered bagel, again, taunting him. "Seriously Tiffany if anything what does it mean? I don't know, looking at her with those darling, literally edible eyes, older now, but even more stunning than before. "People getting to fall out and homeless shelters Nicholas like never before, I mean laterly I've had many dreams of people living in malls. Even how some malls had been reformed into fall out shelters and ah, ah, ah what honey, I'm hanging by this thread of suspense here! I had this dream lately Nicholas, whereas it was as though we're all captived this beyond sizeable maze, even where restrooms were beging designed as traps especially for the children, possibly the gender related restroom brawls. When just as more clarity come, I began to realized we were all standing this line upon line of nothing more plenteous behind or at a water cooler, and I'm talking millions awaiting this single water stop. So when it's my turn, this woman bearing black bowls approaches, black bowls, are you serious? I kid you not, black bowls honey as in the vials of Revelation 16, and if you thought seeing the pale horse judgment, 2001, is mighty, it's nothing in comparison to those vials. Then it's like she begin to stumble and I reach out to help her, and strangely enough we strike up this conversation Nicholas about homeless shelters. Then oddly as all this is, she reaches into a pocket, bring forth a business card not my love about better homes and gardens, but better homeless shelter. We, earth's inhabitants are in so much trouble, I mean not since Noah's earth and Jesus alone the only good shepherd, good death you know. Ah my god Tiffany, ah Maaseiah, well that 's it, I have got to get used to you honey calling me that, it's isn't just the fall out shelters and those pending all over the nation, it's everything, like paper dragons. It's the homes, the businesses, the monetary systems, the Whitehouse, possibly why you saw it burning. Everything we treasure on this earth, above all that is life and living, all that is God, had it's beginning or are kept under wood and subject to burning. As in so, so vulnerable, again like facing the God of all gods as this paper dragon, never has it been, nor will it ever be a match for Him, nothing nor anyone is. Yes, Nicholas, I'm reminded of when Moses asked who do I say send me, and Elohim said, I am, that I am, it's the same as His saying, we will know, He alone is God. Not these priceless relics we travel all over this nation and world to supposedly bath our starving for ancestory hearts and mind. That my love is why we are given the Genesis, even the bible as an entire, I'm reminded of the Apostle Paul finding a reason to defend the male rule. Here saying the woman was from him, thus he is ruler, only to realize just as urgently, that the man is also from the woman, they can't exist beyond the Genesis one without the other, isn't that amazing? Only the enmity, the woman seed, Jesus's Cross, restoring these ancients of babels, of falling apart, and both, Paul soon lament, are from God. If you are a human being Nicholas, stop being deceived, that is the only geneology you need, the only one that's going to stay all this spinning abroad with cloaked mystery. Ah my God, underwood, how beyond clever is that? Yes, it reiterates Pauls warning how anything build upon God's foundation, these abominations will be tried by fire, yeah like all the infernos lately, and more, beyond imagining to come, way beyond the White House. Yes Nicholas, it will all be tried by fire and burnt up, we're to put no other God's before him, Greece and Egypt were found to have more gods than could be counted. Well westernized civilization has far surpassed that, they are idolatry personified, I know honey you're in a hurry, as babe are you, keeping your students, our students. Anyway, when the woman, bearing black bowels stumbles, that can't be conincidence right? No, it's God yet managing to show mercy doing the worse of trials ever, this stumble is like an intermission given that isn't Nicholas to be taken lightly, we're to get ourselves out, away, get to some place safe, that is not America. I feel such a hypocrite, I'm contemplating quitting, it's like I'm pitching better delusions, when I know, none of it, returning to the ashes that had it Tiffany was never worth having. Especially not worth our blood, spirit nor our soul, yes, Jesus teaching the Samaritan woman, what's more important even than the life giving, saving water she's drawing from Jacob's well? The people escaping with Moses, had to eventually rely on a rock in the dessert to settle their life threating thirst, instructed to spesk to the rock. Embittered
instead into striking it, that rock of ages, of salvation Nicholas was Jesus, incarnated, I know what you're saying," sniffing along, brushing tear stained cheeks, these golden eyes did fill immediately, suddenly this tight hug of his neck, to hold them together ever so tight. "I'll see you for lunch," a whisper that ticked, and charmed his ear, even his blood, "I wouldn't miss it," reinterating this special of all hugs, "ok my darling, I'll see you then." >>>"Thanks Macala for the history lesson regarding China and Taiwan, only what Claire dream to me is, well, your father Claire ending up as Hawaii five O character Chen. His going off to China, is indicative of Maaseiah's prophecy for over a decade regarding an Asian invasion US soil. Meaning like a Hussein was predicted 2003, to one day father this nation, so is China bordering on the same thing, this rule, this father of nation America . Now when it come to Hawaii, remember that purposeful setting of this ring of fire all around that Maaseiah shared with us? Well, Hawaii represent the potential volcanos also threatening US soil. In these episodes Sarah's father name was Gabriel, like the Angel Gabriel 2004, warning Maaseiah we're at the finale of all biblical prophecy. Then you guys there's Sarah's name sake which is the reminder we're edging on Daniel's final week, also deem, Jacob's troubles, taking us back to Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Ismail. That's into the Jihad of all Jihad's Armageddon, it's why Maaseiah also witness Jesus' Millennium follow Obama's, the cataclysmic end of the West yes, but the beginning of God's Kingdom reigning on earth. Again why the Angel Gabriel appearing is found so urgent, that He mention the Seventh Angel, meaning heavens host, right into God's Throne are celebrating the fall of all rebellious mankind, those we've again by this newest election put our fate/faith in. As so you guys, the fact, right now, China and Taiwan are both threatening Trumps potential Whitehouse, make this, Claire's dream all the more amazing. Further I can tell you, Russia supporting Trump, regardless, Putin doesn't want to find himself on the wrong side of China, so if he's given an ultimatum, I'm just saying. Simply you guys, nothing is going to prevent the western world whose literally pregnant with defeat into deletion assigned Intrepid judgments, 2001-2017, it's happening and all that is America may as well come to turn with it, and escape while they still can. I mean like Jesus suggesting Jerusalem flee, when they see all is lost to a beast slash Antichrist system, that is America, the West, right now; pray for women with infant children, and pray said flight, like right now isn't in the winter; Jesus landing the top of Olivet now their deliverance. What Sword man, what? Nall BFA man, it's just you got all of that out of a dream, then don't look at it that way, look at how desperate toward our enlightenment, the Holy Spirit had to be to speak by why of a donkey. The measures they take you guys, is ever the proof, we're not to perish, not if Elohim is to already by Christ's Cross help it, thanks Kadesh man, welcome. Look, I don't know about you guys but grandmar Rumars birthday is today and I got like pecan pie and ice cream waiting, my favorite. Ok Beeth man, but it's whose birthday? Her birthday wish was to cook us our favorite, the whole Juttah Tribe you guys are gonna be there, you know she's their grand as well. I think Beethoven man we kinda knew that, well you Kadesh man, you're invited, so you coming? So Claire, I'll run the dream by them? Sure, great, well ok you guys, blessed day, stay safe. So how is it Kadesh you're invited? That Cush man would be because I received an invitation days ago, really forgot about it, wouldn't want to past up the opportunity to meet with the Tribe, though, I'll see what Megan think, so I'm out as well, see you guys later, yeah, have fun!" They say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, awake! Apb, The RAM, see also,
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Marriage Worshippers Get Ye To Them!
Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twelve, 12/14 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-Seem to have a full night of dreaming about the now reigning Beast of Antichrist reveal, 07/24/2008, 12/06/2016
Dreaming Of Antichrist, Flee For Your Lives!
Let My People, Spoke The Sunlight Of God, Behind A Silence In Heaven
-The Asian invasion of 1998 was reinerated, possibly in the form of a scene right out of the movie, Body Snatchers as I stood in the mirror this morning of mid 2016. I could feel, I could sense, smell, all my senses where there. I could make contact, with my face especially, no matter how I twist it and deform it, even mocked it, so all I am was agsain there, only I had the appearace of a young Asian male. Now as long as the Bride is upon the earth, it's going to spend it's awake, to alert time ministrying Jesus in every capacity and it's time of leisure praying, asking, dreaming of more clever ways to do this, to penetrate the force field unbelieveing hearts, with America by which to mortal/Martyr had surely built.
-Now I just want you to imagine, such the degree of seizure, you're you again in every capacity but at the same time you've been invaded, seized upon in a way you're weary to explain. Though God will soon make it as this grandest of burnt offerings, as He has done with other simply priceless relics this nation, world over, I know you all need Trump pending Whitehouse to be the game changer for America. That's s to maake Americs great again whatever that is, may I remind you, I've been given a thirty day countdown, since Novermber 19th, into these ongoing elections n doubt, as I learn December 19th, is the day of the Electoral College Vote.
-Though like every US election and every elected President, unadmittedly, it always had the feel of being back along that special of all days, remember. Even that of heavens, planetary bodies, and nusiances on this earth all standing at these inconceivable alerts, Jesus has been taken, Governor Pilate now bambozzled into being the one that's to decide His fate, don't worry, Jesus explained how those, the religious leaders who where supposed to as john he baptist kiss and thus sanctfy and baptized Him as Israel 's Savior, King, now leading the people to do the same thing, truly blessed is He who come in the name of the Lord. Evidently those delivering him this Roman Court, had committed the greatest offense and to be plain and so sincere, this Jesus cast of a curse, we've been placing the wrong man in power and authority over us since, now the beast, now the AntiChrist
-Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered you together as a hen doeth gather her brew but you would not, now is you house left unto you desolate. I have come in mu father' name and me you have not receieved, another (see Daniel's forecasted Little Horn, Dan. 7), shall come in his own name, and him shall you receieve, also see the rise of those two beast, one from land, one from sea, as is prophesied of Apostle, John, the final Antichrist, to false Prophet, again these evils come into fruitation as did Obama's Administration, Apb).
-Seeing only days prior, having overthrown the money changers tables, the very root bed and foundation of mass assembly, this stumbling block of iniquity Apostle Paul did say, that Broadway that leadeth to the second death. Jesus as well, forewarn. It was when Jesus also dared them, these stain glass, iron for heart men, followers, and I quote Him, "destroy this temple, and in three days, it shall be rebuild." Seeming His, Jesus' body, as the body of all human kind, are suppose to act as the Holy Tabernacle of God's dwelling by Holy Spirits, making us Holy and acceptable unto Elohim God.
-All to explain the process of pounding into the dust, as to surrender all that is flesh at being born again, new creature, old things passed away, all things becoming new. So you may want to rethink especially any branch in you of sexual abnormality, fornication into whoredom, that's in the respect that a man should, or when he leave out on his on. He, a naturally born male, should take himself a naturally born wife, as so equally, the daughter, should take herself a natually born male, as husband, and there they shall be one flesh, miraculously, as a vow of matrimony can only part them, at death.
-I know , I know, it sound so old fashion, but dating back to the Genesis, some 6000 years and counting, yeah that is the length of days by which God's Righteousness has been abandon, although by Christ's Cross this daily renewal, still, I must agree, the natural, old fashion, part I mean. So when I designed the characters of my various teaching by parables, only as Jesus did, they're called marriage worshippers, as so where their parents before them, hence their geneology here, unto Nicholas Edin Coogan and Maaseiah Adonai alias Tiffany Ann Saurus, were born their twin sons, Agurus Heus Coogan, Heus Agurus Coogan, and a daughter, Karrsiann Coogan, the African Juttah, 1986-2016, Apb, The RAM, see here, www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.
-Around the late nineties, after vision and dreams of wars us soil danced in my head, I knew this, I saw war, I saw that American soil was worthy of this war, I saw that said, wars began just this outbreak of all horrors. Equally I saw that one of these enemies where of Arab descent, like a Saddam, and the second, Asian, what I saw was an Asian Invasion US soil. So what I've seen since, concerning these wars, while right before the September 11th attacks I was warn such the horrors were about to happen, there was the dream, the writing on the wall, I like to saw, right out of Jeremiah, 37:8, this warning of a relentless enemy that is to come, how regardless of how war is set against them, they're to come, they're to come, they're come, since then we'ev went through the bloodiest of terror making, to the deadliest also planning., plotting massacres.
-I warn my post lately that world leaders are who they are, they are what they are and they are doing what they are doing, as they're men of prediction, by my visions of thirty years I know, America will not be great again, only the opposite and even worse is true, thus Trump's pending whitehouse, is a subtefruge at worse, and a best, a Truexit. Well, accordingto the intrepid dreamm of Christman night 2001, Americans have exactly until like Oct. 2017, to do what should've been done by the Mayan Calendar, 2012, that's to completely vacate all territories of western civilization. Elohim has designed a seize against it all, and as far as biblical prophecy is concern, it's said, it's done, all need take Jesus lead, well, warning and just get out of it, the great day of God's wrath is now, and not even the most powerful enemies, nor prayers is going to turn him.
-Not since Senator Barak Hussein Obama campaigned for the US presidency have I had an entire night, (12/6/2016) of dreaming about the antichrist, again, an entire night. The reminder? Nothing has since Adam's fall been alright, nor could it ever have been since, only this mystery Babel that is America. The author of Hebrews give us a hint, when it declares the world where framed by that in which doesn't appear, in other words things seen temporal, things not seen eternal, we look through a glass, (mirror), darkly.
-I don't know about the stealing of an election that should've been a nation wide repentant alter at the first, I only know, I was given a thirty day countdown November 19th, this round, white, hanging tag, and the number 30 written on it. Then just the reminder of 25 days left, five days in, set to expire, December 19th, this supposedly Electoral College Vote. As I said in another post, I haven't had these kinds of active responses toward politics since the Obama Presidential Campaign, we know now, that would usher in the beast system.
-As so the Islamic, reign, to a seven year peace accord, that is the final week of Daniel, only as this week is fulfilled in this prophetic order, could Christ's Millennium have ever followed Obama's. The Bride, America, the West, must all decease for any of the above to happen, get this revelation of truth, if you don't get anything else and use God's pending grace through Oct. 2017, to make Trump's a Truexit, escape! Apb, The RAM, see also here,
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