-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twenty-one, 12/19 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIdIqbv7SPo, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, www.deaththeillusion2016.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link, The Outbreak Of Mortuary
Hark, I hear a voice, "2004, God said, He, possibly His Wine Press, or your little horn, or both, "will kill millions," see the rider of death, pale horse, 1996, 2001-2017
Hark, there's a voice, 2005, "the Antichrist will kill millions, as millions, go broke," see having a bear in 120 countries, 2016
Hark, a voice, 2016, "Kill All Parents, by, (we can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threatening for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents "IN THE LORD)."
A Black And White, Blinking Light Of Caution, Warning About Death, 2016
We Want Barabbas, We Want Hussein, We Want Trump, All Truexits, Escape!
30 day countdown, 11/19/2016-12/19/2016, intermission here, the US Electoral College Vote, Apb
-"No, take up shield and buckler is nothing less than calling on God, meaning the entirety of Heavens Host to fight your battles, our God is a God of war, remember? Exodus 15, even Psalm 91. So Kadesh, Beethoven man, you both were there, the Juttah Tribe and everything, well, what they say? Yeah, don't leave us all hanging here, they said Maaseiah said whether Trump actually sit as President depends on whether God is to have mercy or sacrifice. Yeah, yeah, okay Beethoven man but what does that mean in Maaseiah's terms? If God have mercy, then there will never be a Trump President, even Yellowstone, Niribu, or China threatening could blow causing the massive exodus she's been seeing these last decades, US soil, further explaining why Maaseiah saw the Whitehouse in flames and Jesus' Millennium following Obama's. Though, though you guys, I mean you all asked, if God like in the days of Noah is willing to sacrifice an entire country of hundreds of millions unrepentant in His Sight, there will be a Trump Whitehouse, this false sense of security. Which is equally why Maaseiah witness Obama's Whitehouse being overthrown by Jesus' Millennium and a peace far surpassing anything imaginable, don't forget that. Only you guys at the cause of soaring death tolls, like 15%, okay, okay, 15% how many is that? Ah like some 40 million, I'm sorry, did you just, yes, yes, Craftsman I did, meaning still after thousands of years of Jesus' Ministry and Revelations, there is a way you guys which seem right to man but the end thereof is the way of massive death tolls. See, see I knew it!" Angrily, aggressively spinning up, off, snatching his coat up, roughly arm by arm putting it on, this volatile, "that woman, that, ah my God she's crazy, could you do it Sword man, could you tell God's people, especially Americans, the hardest things ever, ever Sword man? I was here, I was here reading behind her 2003, that while they were hunting Saddam Hussein, she was placing him, a Hussein in the Whitehouse, equally crazy I know, but fulfilled through Barack Hussein Obama, whereas Jesus' Second Coming is now prophesied by her to follow.This is not about the elite or any kingdom or nation in power, God will decimate all of them, by the reveal of prophecy these thousands of years He already has, it's Gabriel's 2004 purposeful mentioning of the seventh Angel. This is about God's Will for this planet and all believers looking to Him to keep His Promises, Kadesh ( Meshullam Kadesh Kroff, Sia Prreece, Juttah Africa), is right you guys, you, where are you going Craftsman? To tell my American family to get the shopping, before the stuff hit the fan there man, like that's even gonna help, yeah I read behind some guy warning about the worse to happen US soil ever, said he was moving to Belgium. You all know what you're saying right? Either Trump, man's or God, it is only a means of escaping America, or any other Western soil, even those allying them, this Brexit, yeah Blaze man, that sound about right, but as for me and my house, we know Kadesh man, the entire African Juttah, you'll gonna serve the God and Righteous Commander of us all. Maaseiah said especially at this point, there is only one escape, that is to pound self and all you think is right and treasured into the dust and plant you an alter of Jesus Christ therein; remember what Maaseiah saw way back when, like 2005, she saw what we now call the Brexit, she saw what she now call the Truexit, yeah, yeah in 2003? When she saw what we've deem Obama's Whitehouse, two terms worth as Bush's one error/era and newest fear-factor, Maaseiah saw Britain, America beside Rome, two other of the West founding fathers, especially trying to run away from their making of mankind these epidemics of holocaust into mounting blood debts. How they were instead ordered by Elohim God to be separated like the toes King Nebuchadnezzar's image, into itty, bitty pieces. They've on this constant made themselves rich Sword man off of innocent blood, do you really think God is going to just sit idly by and just let them walk or run away from these unspeakable abominations? No, it is Him crying aloud, I will laugh when your fear cometh! Why these times of Obama has been deem an additional factor of fear, this is why God through the Psalmist cry, fret not thyself, they'll soon be cut down, why they've been shown all these millennia running, caving, panicking, Brexit, Trump, Mass Assembly, Mountains, Bunkers fall on us and hide us, for the great day of His Wrath is come and who shall be able to stand? When it's insane, said wrath of God is stumping the wide world earth along this immeasurable wine-press, He's coming after them, it's to flow to the horses bridles with unrepentant blood, like 175 miles of it. There is a scene you guys revealed by John, whereas the great whore of religion the West and the world has a cup of Martyred Blood in her hand, this is her, this is their imbibe you guys, this is why first thing, first plague, God gave the people of Egypt blood to drink. There's no difference here present day, national to world leaders, it's why Maaseiah called on all voting booths this fallacious, deadly to be pound into repentant alters. America, the western world is to be told by it's leaders abroad to get out or die, or God will hold everyone of them responsible for the greatest of deception. But what Brave, ah Heart, does that mean? It's like you went into a trance there, remember what God told the prophet Ezekiel, knowing and not warning the people, these people will surely die, but their blood will be required at thine hand, or their false leaders hands. It's the same threat aimed at all leaders falsely leading his people, by the weeping God behind Maaseiah's prophesied silence in heaven. Yeah, "let my people go,"announced the Sunlight of God, from a behind a mountain, having brought the greatest of heavens celebration to a screeching halt. Possibly you guys the overall purpose for both John and Maaseiah's again, notably silence in heaven, crying aloud, "behold I will strip their leaders and leave them as in the day they were born." So, they are Sword not going to any unreachable place on this planet, above it nor beneath it, whereas God's wrath can't find nor reach them. Thus you guys," as one clearly wiping both of her cheeks this way, Preecest Falcon Braveheart Longknife Deburk, marriage worshipers, now a wife (Preece Beethoven Fifth Arz, BFA), and projected mother to be. "The warning, even the thirty day countdown into today, 11/19/2016-12/19/2016, how soon the Church Bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the Tribulation Saints as the Antichrist. Undoubtedly one of the two beast Maaseiah saw rise just as the Hussein Obama administration, is given power to overcome them, so it is more them you guys now crying Elohim way, take up shield and buckler and stand up for our help! Yeah Braveheart, because the Bride no longer here, is now reigning in heaven, just as Maaseiah saw, you guys know that right? Please Kadesh man," by this time they had a standing party all around them, ears to hear, hearts to receive, hopefully. Well just as John saw the wounded Lamb, and the twenty-four elders now reigning in heaven, Maaseiah saw the Bride also reigning there, said she had in her possession, the stone cut out without hands of Dan. 2. That it had the surface of a meteor, these phenoms never revealed before, said when she had released it, she heard a voice lament, "this is the Antichrist murderer," proving you guys, Nibiru, nor any other near earth planetary body is a hoax. They're not only real, they're prophetic and they too are coming or is come, and the earth and it's inhabitants sit this primary target. We have news, kinda off the subject, Braveheart is carrying, we're now pregnant, ah my god is Christ! They all began to celebrate, hand shaking, shoulder pats,"so it's final it is? So single, twins or quads, we're replenishing the new earth, as of the Genesis, BFA is going to be a father, yes, Kadesh, man, and I can't hardly wait." They say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, awake, Apb, The RAM, Jesus is our ark of salvation, see more here, www.thegoodshepherd2016.blogspot.com www/2015jesuscomeknocking.blogspot.com
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