Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Pale Horse 2001, Just This Outbreak Of Mortuary

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twenty-three 12/21 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy


    -A Voice Declaring: "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an ELE US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, beware, Apb, see also

     -Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb ,

The Triple Threat, Trump, Mountains, Bunkers, Alex Jones, Fall On Us, Hide Us

-I'm reminded of the Triple Threat years past that made me marvel more than any other thirty years of prophetic forewarning. That Damater, (natural disasters, like a Yellowstone explosion), The Heavenly elements (see Nibiru and such the like), and warmongering mankind (see America, Syria, Russia and China), would in ways like never, ever before perform themselves chaotically so, all to explain seeing nuclear missiles fall as we ascended.
-Truly forewarning not only to flee America, the West, as of the Mayan Calendar 2012, but to as well, vacate the planet as an entire, see Jesus promise to snatch out the Bride made worthy by His Blood, from all such troubles, see Lk. 21:36, I Thess. 4, I Cor. 15, Apb, see also, see more here, my response to the inquiry, did Trump Just Con Everyone? See,

The Pale Horse 2001, Just This Outbreak Of Mortuary

     -These men, all of them are what they need be to get us all through to bible prophecy fulfillment, they it's victim, which like never before is now. God as judge, jury and executioner arrested His Case against Mystery America, into the rebellious inhabitants of this planet ages ago, what I, and so many other Righteous seers been hearing. Heretofore seeing and by an unspeakable Grace and mercy, made to know these thirty plus years is only these various reenactments of being found guilty as charged and as recently as 2001 given a sentence of judgment pliable until October 2017.
     -Evenly so, with an appearing Angel Gabriel as Heavens Host, the believers Heirs is to forewarn themselves, get not to your homes, as all treasured they're dust and ashes, but your heart in order; the sacrifices of God are a broken (repentant), heart, a broken and contrite spirit, see Psalm 51. Simply self sacrificial unto a new man, holy spirit acceptable to God, all other such the like counted as abominable sacrifices, see more here,
     -Trump is a player, and these are his chest pieces, voters do want him to do this impossible thing, change God's mind about destroying abominable, leopard coat wearing America/Mystery Babylon. Only as in the days of Abraham regarding Sodom and Gomorrah's doomed fate, not gonna happen. Though actors are good at putting on a show, even if they're dead in the grossly infested prophesied waters, again victimized so. Thus one single inquiry, until blessed resurrection poised as pending NEO's just above, got Jesus yet, got Him? Get To The Alters of blood reconciliation, Awake, be alert as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see Roman 10:9, 10, see also, www,

Listening To: Whitney Houston's, Given As A Word, Do You Hear What I Hear?

     Prophecy Link Made to see stampeding people as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable of help.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further eastward, Apb 

     -The Triple Threat, Trump, Mountains, Bunkers, Alex Jones, Fall On Us, HIde Us 

     -When I was given the timetable of 190 months, Dec. 2001, that's 15.10 years, herein prophesying an E.L.E. event to happen as of Oct. 2017, I knew nothing about a pending Nibiru impact. I just knew according to what Holy Spirits showed me this night, said cataclysmic events would sit the nation back these 190 years, see Eze. 4. You maybe able to discount doomsayers, but not bible prophecy, as the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn Himself, something this horrendous this way cometh.
    -Even the dream I deem The Phoenix is describing something cataclysmic happening in the heaven lies, In the dream I watched in horror, as did everyone else as the sky above crystallized all over. As it cracked along these huge shods that became missiles like, shooting, targeting everybody and everything on this planet. All who began to scream and run for their lives, when as well I begin to see two crystallized beast. They both appearing as a mutated form of an amphibian creature, an alligator to a Godzilla type monster, (see Rev. 13), as well I feel being unveiled here. 
    -As so the dream I recently deemed a fat man singing Armageddon, of seeing Michael Cloud Duncan, one of the main characters of the Movie Armageddon, singing Opera in a wilderness. Which itself is about a huge planetary body targeting the earth, whereas it's to cause total annihilation of all things on this planet. Why is it we go on as though none of these horrors are prophetic? When said, deadliest of impacts are only one of many E. L. E. type dangers targeting this planet, now as Jesus would say, repent or perish! Beware, Apb, see Rev. 6, also see, 

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