Do You Know Where Your Bible Is? m
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and thirty-three 12/31 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
-Righteously Dividing The Enemy
-Like Watching Noah's Ark, "Mark 17 and 7," like the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, my prayer closet 1993, my people perish, GOH, Apb
-A Voice Declaring: "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an ELE US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, beware, Apb, see also
-Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb,
The Triple Threat, Trump, Mountains, Bunkers, Alex Jones, Fall On Us, Hide Us
-What's not fake? Surely this blessing in disguised as said times are here unlike never, ever before, don't be deceived. In some way, supposed fake news or false reporting is going to get the word out. Then let us play today is opposite day, the warning is then valid, what have you done to prepare yourselves? Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the campaign now driven straight into the Whitehouse of make America great again, really make America white again, and why I witness lately, a fury come into God's face because of a Trump/Pence Whitehouse ticket. I'm sorry, I know I keep asking this question, but when was America ever great, ah White, was it before the Red Skin man or after he was meet with Westernized genocide?
-Remember the millions, standing this single water cooler, of an immeasurable maze like fall out shelter, this horrid, when a woman bearing black bowls this beyond horrid still, approaches? Forgod sakes, there is commanded right now, that all parents be targeted for the kill, and just the other night, a voice, "99 bowls of molten lava," see volcanos, even Hawaii, Yellowstone erupting; even more creepy, a voice, and I quote, "yours is a Nuclear fate." I tell you it's like the warning gauge this heighten having everyone ear that they should most definitely get out of here, (westernized civilization).
-That some how doing a winning election 2016 suddenly flat line of itself, but if that's what a Trump White House is capable of, this false do over. Even that running shoes, survival foods, and packs are no more, let it be accursed and instead this blessed repentant alter to Truexit, of an authentic Escape! Tried Jesus yet? Seeming just the other night, people reactions doing a dream, and exploding Walmart's, mass pandemonium since then all pointed toward the painstaking fact. Well, not only had a permanent blackout happen, that having useful water was no more, how said companies showed themselves completely helpless themselves.
-People just started walking, like they'd lost any use for cars, like the mobile man, even the American Dream, as in the Intrepid Dream 2001. It was all of suddenly no more, but judged, guilty, sentence and brought to an by Oct. 2017 surprise of cataclysms into oblivion of impacting millions. Still the most curious thing to note, well, who reading here though you live in a multicultural country from the beginning, even this practice for Christ's Millennium. I even believe, the black and white blinking light of caution, warning of a rising death tolls, is also the reminder, death and dying has no particulars or favorites, its not bias.
-So which of you also live in a multicultural neighborhood? For that equally odd pointed out here was those all united in this brisk walk further southeast for authentic life, they were of every ethnicity. Again this painful coming to terms we're all cut from the same cursed man, Adam, heart, blood, especially America. Then apparently there's this second Adam, Jesus, having restored us this One New Blood, Righteous Mankind, of a heart transplant, yet knocking on the door, "if any man," got Him, got Jesus yet?" Doing my visitation to heaven, the prophet Ezekiel opening three doors, I like him, witness God perform heart surgeries on a multitude before His Throne. >>>"Yeah, yeah I understand that Cush man but the people who walk in darkness are not our enemies, they are our labor of love, our workmanship in Christ Jesus. So until we realize that we can't forgive as we ought and Jesus did admonish us to forgive men their sins. That make the darkness, the twilight our and all of mankind's enemy, come for to steal, kill and destroy, explaining why Jesus is the light, even why the prophet Malachi designed him the Sunlight of God. So I asked them all captured into the most seasonal of debates why are you referring to Israel, to America as though they are at this new beginning, that's alone Christ' Millennium? It's prophetically insulting, it's also speaking with a double tongue for if God placed Gog in the White house, I mean everyone and there mom is saying Obama's the Antichrist, if so, what does that say about these times, what does that mean for America, The West? He will rule this planet with no match for seven year's, then Jesus' Millennium, so like Jesus second coming, I don't think we're looking to an antichrist yet to come. I believe just as Trump is setting up his Presidential Cabinet, that the antichrist, as of these meetings with various world leaders since senator Obama, for a final time is doing the same. Believe me, we're in the birth pains and surfing mysteriously along the birth canal of the most evil of despots come to reign. Even so come Lord Jesus right, that is Kadesh man what we're supposed to say right, regardless of all the pending horrors? Yeah, you talking Elohim, commanding John to seal up the seven thunders roaring, but instead to take the little book that was sweet to eat and bitter to digest. Jesus return is such a sweet, sweet savor for many, but it's as so the most bitter of realization for others. which is why the end time Bride is predominately given over to intercessory, there is nothing else, time for repentance is lapsing with every second. Wow the pub is really crowded tonight, fastening eyes all around the mostly teen hot spot, of having pizza, soda and dancing, just this brew ha, ha, of a celebration. Yeah, ah new years weekend, man I completely forgot about that, okay, that make sense. Playing, dancing, new year resolutions, yeah, hopefully an appendage to God's Will, Kingdom done, well at least Maaseiah's timetable, okay, I only trust that Kadesh man because you say it. Goodnight, you guys, I'm home to bed, yeah Craft man, right behind you." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth,
Israeli Wailing Wall, Moslem Mosque and Palestine Questionable Settlements Fall On Us, Hide Us
-When I was shown the death rider, the mid nineties, having come with great prowess, having come against what was described to be abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and the churches of the people, of God seeing, knowing, and now judging them. It wasn't long before Holy Spirits suggested that I trust, delight and commit, see Psalm 37, it's like Jesus telling inquiring disciples, these are things which must surely come to past, truly for He, meaning God. That's just as the seventh Angels begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as He hath told the prophets, why I witnessed Jesus arrive to the Bride with healing in His Wings, see the prophet Malachi seeing the same thing.
-Doing these end times of the beast reign, he doesn't only have the wherewithal power to overcome the tribulation saints, but anything, land and any power getting in it's way for the next seven years, see Rev. 17:13. beware. My grandson Caden who truly love school, readying himself like so, gladly announced last night, how today is the last day of school. I found this curious, oddly enough, as I heard a loud, commanding voice only a few days past say lately, "I will finish all schools," evenly as there is witness of schools, even parental guidance going under bomb attacks. You must see, school assembly, like religion, politics is just one of those things conveniently stripping God's People of all things Jesus. simply meaning, they are all about the antichrist business, beware again, Apb, The RAM, see, read more here, and here,
P. S. Happy Jesus Millennium New Year, 2017-2024/25, Apb
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