Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Marriage Worshippers Get Ye To Them!
Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twelve, 12/14 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-Seem to have a full night of dreaming about the now reigning Beast of Antichrist reveal, 07/24/2008, 12/06/2016
Dreaming Of Antichrist, Flee For Your Lives!
Let My People, Spoke The Sunlight Of God, Behind A Silence In Heaven
-The Asian invasion of 1998 was reinerated, possibly in the form of a scene right out of the movie, Body Snatchers as I stood in the mirror this morning of mid 2016. I could feel, I could sense, smell, all my senses where there. I could make contact, with my face especially, no matter how I twist it and deform it, even mocked it, so all I am was agsain there, only I had the appearace of a young Asian male. Now as long as the Bride is upon the earth, it's going to spend it's awake, to alert time ministrying Jesus in every capacity and it's time of leisure praying, asking, dreaming of more clever ways to do this, to penetrate the force field unbelieveing hearts, with America by which to mortal/Martyr had surely built.
-Now I just want you to imagine, such the degree of seizure, you're you again in every capacity but at the same time you've been invaded, seized upon in a way you're weary to explain. Though God will soon make it as this grandest of burnt offerings, as He has done with other simply priceless relics this nation, world over, I know you all need Trump pending Whitehouse to be the game changer for America. That's s to maake Americs great again whatever that is, may I remind you, I've been given a thirty day countdown, since Novermber 19th, into these ongoing elections n doubt, as I learn December 19th, is the day of the Electoral College Vote.
-Though like every US election and every elected President, unadmittedly, it always had the feel of being back along that special of all days, remember. Even that of heavens, planetary bodies, and nusiances on this earth all standing at these inconceivable alerts, Jesus has been taken, Governor Pilate now bambozzled into being the one that's to decide His fate, don't worry, Jesus explained how those, the religious leaders who where supposed to as john he baptist kiss and thus sanctfy and baptized Him as Israel 's Savior, King, now leading the people to do the same thing, truly blessed is He who come in the name of the Lord. Evidently those delivering him this Roman Court, had committed the greatest offense and to be plain and so sincere, this Jesus cast of a curse, we've been placing the wrong man in power and authority over us since, now the beast, now the AntiChrist
-Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered you together as a hen doeth gather her brew but you would not, now is you house left unto you desolate. I have come in mu father' name and me you have not receieved, another (see Daniel's forecasted Little Horn, Dan. 7), shall come in his own name, and him shall you receieve, also see the rise of those two beast, one from land, one from sea, as is prophesied of Apostle, John, the final Antichrist, to false Prophet, again these evils come into fruitation as did Obama's Administration, Apb).
-Seeing only days prior, having overthrown the money changers tables, the very root bed and foundation of mass assembly, this stumbling block of iniquity Apostle Paul did say, that Broadway that leadeth to the second death. Jesus as well, forewarn. It was when Jesus also dared them, these stain glass, iron for heart men, followers, and I quote Him, "destroy this temple, and in three days, it shall be rebuild." Seeming His, Jesus' body, as the body of all human kind, are suppose to act as the Holy Tabernacle of God's dwelling by Holy Spirits, making us Holy and acceptable unto Elohim God.
-All to explain the process of pounding into the dust, as to surrender all that is flesh at being born again, new creature, old things passed away, all things becoming new. So you may want to rethink especially any branch in you of sexual abnormality, fornication into whoredom, that's in the respect that a man should, or when he leave out on his on. He, a naturally born male, should take himself a naturally born wife, as so equally, the daughter, should take herself a natually born male, as husband, and there they shall be one flesh, miraculously, as a vow of matrimony can only part them, at death.
-I know , I know, it sound so old fashion, but dating back to the Genesis, some 6000 years and counting, yeah that is the length of days by which God's Righteousness has been abandon, although by Christ's Cross this daily renewal, still, I must agree, the natural, old fashion, part I mean. So when I designed the characters of my various teaching by parables, only as Jesus did, they're called marriage worshippers, as so where their parents before them, hence their geneology here, unto Nicholas Edin Coogan and Maaseiah Adonai alias Tiffany Ann Saurus, were born their twin sons, Agurus Heus Coogan, Heus Agurus Coogan, and a daughter, Karrsiann Coogan, the African Juttah, 1986-2016, Apb, The RAM, see here, www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.
-Around the late nineties, after vision and dreams of wars us soil danced in my head, I knew this, I saw war, I saw that American soil was worthy of this war, I saw that said, wars began just this outbreak of all horrors. Equally I saw that one of these enemies where of Arab descent, like a Saddam, and the second, Asian, what I saw was an Asian Invasion US soil. So what I've seen since, concerning these wars, while right before the September 11th attacks I was warn such the horrors were about to happen, there was the dream, the writing on the wall, I like to saw, right out of Jeremiah, 37:8, this warning of a relentless enemy that is to come, how regardless of how war is set against them, they're to come, they're to come, they're come, since then we'ev went through the bloodiest of terror making, to the deadliest also planning., plotting massacres.
-I warn my post lately that world leaders are who they are, they are what they are and they are doing what they are doing, as they're men of prediction, by my visions of thirty years I know, America will not be great again, only the opposite and even worse is true, thus Trump's pending whitehouse, is a subtefruge at worse, and a best, a Truexit. Well, accordingto the intrepid dreamm of Christman night 2001, Americans have exactly until like Oct. 2017, to do what should've been done by the Mayan Calendar, 2012, that's to completely vacate all territories of western civilization. Elohim has designed a seize against it all, and as far as biblical prophecy is concern, it's said, it's done, all need take Jesus lead, well, warning and just get out of it, the great day of God's wrath is now, and not even the most powerful enemies, nor prayers is going to turn him.
-Not since Senator Barak Hussein Obama campaigned for the US presidency have I had an entire night, (12/6/2016) of dreaming about the antichrist, again, an entire night. The reminder? Nothing has since Adam's fall been alright, nor could it ever have been since, only this mystery Babel that is America. The author of Hebrews give us a hint, when it declares the world where framed by that in which doesn't appear, in other words things seen temporal, things not seen eternal, we look through a glass, (mirror), darkly.
-I don't know about the stealing of an election that should've been a nation wide repentant alter at the first, I only know, I was given a thirty day countdown November 19th, this round, white, hanging tag, and the number 30 written on it. Then just the reminder of 25 days left, five days in, set to expire, December 19th, this supposedly Electoral College Vote. As I said in another post, I haven't had these kinds of active responses toward politics since the Obama Presidential Campaign, we know now, that would usher in the beast system.
-As so the Islamic, reign, to a seven year peace accord, that is the final week of Daniel, only as this week is fulfilled in this prophetic order, could Christ's Millennium have ever followed Obama's. The Bride, America, the West, must all decease for any of the above to happen, get this revelation of truth, if you don't get anything else and use God's pending grace through Oct. 2017, to make Trump's a Truexit, escape! Apb, The RAM, see also here,
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