Thursday, December 8, 2016

Trump, Mountains, Bunkers Fall On Us, Hide Us!

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?                       

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and eight, 12/06 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                  

Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, upon bearing His Cross, stored away in heaven, worthless treasures, 1998, Apb

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon                            

-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

America, The Normalcy Bias, In Is Slowest Motion                         

     -Not since Senator Barak Hussein Obama campaigned for the US presidency have I had an entire night, (12/6/2016) of dreaming about the Antichrist, again, an entire night. The reminder? Nothing has since Adam's fall been alright, nor could it ever have been since, only this mystery Babel that is America. The author of Hebrews give us a hint, when it declares the world where framed by that in which doesn't appear, in other words things seen temporal, things not seen eternal, we look through a glass, (mirror), darkly.
     -As so did Jesus, when Israelis are bragging on their patriotic father Abraham, He plainly says, before Abraham "I am," stunning the people so mightily they pick up stones by which to slay Him in His blasphemy only His time is not yet, no His is the world's blood redemption by Crucifixion.
Then there's as well Jesus most profound of them inquiries, who do men say that I am, had he done enough, said and worked enough miracles, for people to believe He was their, Israel unto the whole wide world Savior? Peter soon revealing, how He's the Christ, the Son of the living God. Then my curious question, the most profound of revelations are given to me right along the Christmas season, why you think that is? The times and celebrations of Jesus' birth  mightily in the air world wide.   
   -Here as well, I guess you can say I haven't had such a night of reveal concerning Him, whom the prophet Daniel knew as Antichrist, since I was shown him in all his prowess totally throwing down all resistors on this earth, targeting and slaying millions, this mightier than them all and he know it. It was the earliest of February 2015, and though it wasn't an election year, the time table of two weeks and seven years given the Obama administration 07/25/2008, was ending, spiraling the world along a Beast System, now Trump Elect, inheritance.
   -If there is yet doubt of her divinity into deity it was also this very night I was shown the Righteous Bride now reigning in heaven and not only so. Well, if you can see through to the greatest of miraculous reveals, She was in possession of the Stone cut out without hands, this Specialty Stone I like to say comes into bible prophecy, the prophet Daniel, 2nd chapter, and his dealing with King Nebuchadnezzar, of which he as well sees, as to unveil it's volatile meaning. Simply it's the reign of Jesus's Millennium, and if you can further believe, I've witness it follow the Obama Administration, meaning America, a superpower housing hundreds of millions of souls, like the Bride ascended to heaven, not that America is ascended, only the Righteous, but at a likeness of being absent, for the next seven years Obama's, Trump's or Clinton's America, is no longer a factor.
     -Truly, I know all those reading here are asking, just how is that possible? Then I'm to answer, the 2017 ELE disaster, see more here,  Justly getting back to the stone in question, only here, presently, 2015,  said Stone has the surface of a meteor, as so, it's described as the Antichrist (and all in his bed), murderer. This answer is yes, this little horn already know his doomed fate, but so does America, and other world nations, they're like Trump America simply empowered along an outbreak of what is labeled normalcy bias. No one want to say it and that includes me, that's except by dreams, visions, words and songs, even my own well design parable, of the African Juttah.
     The brittle truth is, if you could envision a 2012 movie, type scenarios, (wr.1986-2016, Apb), happening just as suddenly and without further warning US soil. Such the unthinkable cataclysms along a 15% lost of life, not that many days from now; a Yellowstone explosion, The Nibiru System, Nuclear Wars, simply the triple threat years past I obviously saw, forewarn, again, US soil, that concern me more than thirty years of seeing such the like, thus, Trumps' win the Truexit, beware?
In order for you to rightly understand not only what's happening here, being deemed this slow motion exodus, into a maze like fall out shelter, with a woman bearing black bowls approaching, see more here,
     -There is the earliest of Prophets, especially Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, and lest we forget, Zechariah, the one foretelling Jesus' Second arrival, as from Mount Olivet, again as promised to Mount Olivet , the beginning to the end of Israel and the world rescue from the lethal clutches of the Antichrist and against all deceived into allying him, the Gog, Magog and thankfully, Hamgog, the burial of Gog, again, yes, they know their fate, as so do you, it is prophetically bonafide, see more here, I, well we're no longer being forewarn of the greatest of mankind's despot, such a villain and slanderer of humankind, their Creator, ever to come. Such this horrid of times, that it took the Archangel Michael, The Angel Gabriel guided by the Man dressed in linden, an incarnate Jesus over seeing them.
    -How this first of God's revelations caused a now stun literally out of his senses Daniel who was to now understand these most lethal of matters, that wouldn't be realized upon the earth until, when? Right Now! Well seeing it, these two Beast rise into fruition just as the Hussein Obama administration, so here presently, as this same Angel Gabriel forewarn, 2003, we being that generation, Heretofore even mentioning the sounding of the seventh Angel, celebrating in heaven the fall of all things rebellious, now God, His Christ, in complete rule over all of it.    ...and the nations where angry... see Rev. 11, beware,  Apb, The RAM, see also,

-Peace Getting Porches, Crystal Skies, Beast, The Nibiru System               

     -Wow, Trump really is trying to make America great again, like put the cat (Beast), back in the bag, as long as he know, in the end, its not jobs, nor a working economy, nor swollen with feature/future potential markets. Americas' disease is vampirism, a carnivore with iron teeth, and not unlike her ancestry is design to feed off of human carnage, meaning oil was never the addition. This nation, this world have been given over to an epidemic of wars into the Battle of Armageddon and the drench with historic carnage fields of Megiddo by various turf wars middle eastern soil is making itself ready, even prophetically, see more here,
     -Why you think when God come to me like a Father Abraham explaining His plan of destruction for America, I instead found it so unbelievable? Whereas a time come later, after bouts with better  Revelations it was this Apostle who went to Him, describing her as this maker of holocaust one holocaust after another that if He doesn't stop her, while His Will be done or the human being is desecrated into oblivion. I know, as Jesus explained these people are worse off than in the days of Noah, so just as in Noah's day, an ark of salvation has been laid for them. Purely, not for merely a hundred years but more like 2000 years and counting, that's only since Christ's Cross, if you go back upon this deliverer first announcement, it's landing you in the beginning, the Genesis, when the woman seed was first mention.
     -Right before Saddam Hussein was hunted down, incarcerated and executed, something really weird the Spirit realm, just this world outcry for a Hussein to reign. A no doubt grieved Elohim here answering their most desperate plea, that for two consecutive terms, "two weeks and seven years," seeming as the crying people of Jesus day was given a choice of a savior, a corrupt heartily Barabbas; now hath come, a man name Hussein Obama. Evidently One Stone, two troubles, here bringing one of the greatest detriments to the Negro, the African slave market, like it, accept it or not, now all brought, full circled, out. As so meaning, well God doesn't owe them a thing. As well proving, not only is nothing impossible, but vain is the help of man, even the world leader who has forsaken, God, and that's days without number.
     -Presently, like all dispensations of allowance this planet, just his beyond description rebellion is then come a beyond Noah's earth judgment. It's sentence being in the form of a triple threat meaning what happen to the people of Noah's day pale in comparison. So right this moment in order to describe the people of America, well, many of forewarning prophecies is now before them, even Angels like Gabriel has been sent forth to warn them. As so this giving of 190 months, as to weigh and measure their blood guiltiness, far lacking in reconciliation into a 15.10 year sentence, 2001-2017, all now literally expired, of knowing clearly what is happening and why?
      -Just a day past, I heard a voice lament this is your 11th hour and as I open my eyes just this morning, a voice again, "a triple threat," (Yellowstone, Nibiru, Nuclear War, US soil, all into Jesus Millennium), and Trump being incapable, except by a Truexit. What is the Bride's finale, is clearly, also the finish line for the Dispensation of Grace, especially all rebellion beginning with the carnivorous West. With love all I can tell you is without further delay Jesus' Millennium is being sent to reign all over it and that for a thousand years. Surely, God know earth's inhabitants are in disagreement, how nations are made angry, it's why the deadliest of seizures ever have been laid for them, see more of that inconceivable here,
    -This is evidence by the heathen imagining this unwinnable Jihad again God and His blessed Anointed, so right now this final hour, last point of no return, of assigned threats times three. Honestly, it's why one of your own financial analyst said it like this, what's the point of making America great, which isn't without shedding of blood,  meaning nuclear wars, if you're all dead, ALL!  What should vastly escaping Americans, in as much danger as Lot and family and all threaten at his time and his family be actually doing? Well instead of speeding away with these combative angels, having given warning days and days, they're not to even look back, this treacherous, deadly.
     -Though as those all the more embolden this Trump of normalcy bias, regardless of fires from heaven raining down, of this ring of fire being set all around them placing not only themselves but their children in mortal danger. Newly prophesied there is a black and white sign, blinking the word, fright, death,' possibly indicating civil pandemonium is become their latest warning. That's of them crying aloud, sparing not, churches, Trumps, mountains and bunkers fall on us and hide us, for the great day of His wrath is come, and who besides those washed in Jesus' blood, God's Single Trump, are worthy to escape?
   -As I remind recently, the dispensation of grace/church age/western civilization, was never designed to massacre  the world to save itself. Though empowered to bend and plow down all would be carnal treasures and prizes sacrificially as is Christ's Cross to outreach God's form of Righteousness of being born again by Holy Spirits now God's Holy Temple, ascension unto glorification heir with, to this Holy of Holies. Sincerely, what hath bewitched you? A predatory lending cloaked in artificial leopard skin that bedazzled all making it's contact, that's right into mankind greatest bamboozle. They elsewhere being distracted of Jesus coming in sorely undetected, snatching the Bride from under them, now as these most fantastic of Roman Candles innumerable fire rockets suddenly illuminating the sky, again being off with Christ, that you be aware, that you be born again, that you know a Church Bride, an Apostle of Christ, is among, you, awake, be aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

The End Hath Come, Fall On Us Trump, Mountains and Bunkers, Hide Us!

    -Why is it whenever Trump speaks he seem sorely animated to me, like someone, even God Is playing along this pundit of electoral formats, that none of it, as all things seen, is real, evenly, that he, Trump is an even more elusive plant than the prelude to Islamic world reign, the Obama Administration? I'll admit, when a pending Vice President Pence spoke before the election, like prophet Ezekiel's God, Eze. 38:18, I felt a fury rise into Elohim God's face, honestly. So if not a Truexit, Trump's pending White House, that's of all Idolatrous to Adulterous America, having forsaken its first love, are all the more greater desolation’s of insurmountable death tolls, US soil; seen come since the mid eighties, all with one exception, the Savior of souls into His pending Millennium that is, Jesus the Christ.
    -Though I, like great prophets and Apostles gone before, have seen the cataclysmic end to millions of rebellious souls here US soil, the world, this little charade on reality, even divine revelation namely Trump, that is really creeping me out. Well, until I just can't see nor hear him, it's just too painfully obvious, it's completely in error of God's Will and again millions will perish as a result of building along an obvious revolt of God/godliness. Just as so, this one present day Apostle of Christ who has seen or been demonstrated upon of all prophesied, that's right into the reign of the Bride Heaven's Throne, the sounding of the Seventh Angel, and the release of the Specialty Stone, all rebellion is finished, O Happy Day/Son/Sunlight of God!
     -As so, of Jesus again walking among His People, of those sincerely inquiring of the wounds yet visible in His Hands, just as so His replying, those for which I was wounded 'in the house of my friends'. Meaning that Israel Divine to New Jerusalem John reported seeing, appearing as a Bride adorn unto her groom, now ascending to here. Unquestionably, with the earth pregnant with Yellowstone type pandemonium and planetary bodies like Nibiru impacts making the heavens, the earth anew, beware, strong delusions plague all transgressors; woe to all who don't have Jesus, making the darken mirrors all the more crystal.
     -Just you Remember, precept upon precept, line upon line, Gods Thoughts are not our thoughts, His Ways are not our ways, as far as the heaven is from the earth, so are Gods thoughts as far from man, and his ways passed finding out. This is why His Will prophetically fulfilled, second by second sabotages all things not rooted and grounded Christ's Jesus, even stripping them, as in the day of birth, naked and bear, awake, beware, Apb, The RAM, so see more here,

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