Saturday, December 10, 2016

Meshullum Kadesh, Reconcile, Be Holy

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twelve, 12/10 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Meshullum Kadesh, Reconcile be Holy

    -Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, I shared a dream lately whereas I discovered Miya, my nine year old grand daughter, recently claiming if we're raptured prior to May 2017, she's to ask to have her birthday party in heaven, that's getting her into an escaping auto while she's walking along Dunlap street. Now the significance of this and the Mayan 2012 time table. The one of utmost importance I didn't know if I've told you, but my parables where I share much wisdom and revelation is also where I gain it, where divine insight is given.
    I use this for an example, in the work beast of beauty, the beginning of the marriage worshippers, written, shared online some thirty years now, was follow by an additional work entitled Preece Ebonee Bele, and yet another unfinished work, Meshullem Kadesh, that is now labeled, The Juttah Septennial. In the second installment, Preece Ebonee, the graduating class of 2012, I demonstrated a homegrown terrorist group by the name of TKAMB, and who and what they hated most of all were, the young, anointed, wisely revelational marriage (Jesus), worshippers.
    -So much so they plotted against them, their night of the prom, which was as well staged as a night of promise, having ejected Nuptial Temples, all around, instead of spending a night in unsafe carousing, drunkenness and various forms of orgies, marriage worshipers instead performed mass marriages all around, these believing graduates and this is where, how TKAMB drafted their plan against them setting bomb these specialty temples, slaughtering hundreds as to wipe out the entire 2012 class of especially marriage worshiper this night of the promise.

     -Now when I say marriage worshippers I'm talking the Genesis, the woman seed, the last Adam Jesus, a vow of marriage between a naturally born male and a naturally born female as the first Adam intended by Elohim in the beginning, these young believers more than honored God's portrayal of marriage, they worshipped it as to worship Jesus Christ, but now it seem all was lost. Like at present, it is not that these young marriage worshippers had not been forewarn, a young African male, future king of Ethiopia by the name of Preece Ebonee Bele (Darius Nigel), an exchanged student, had infiltrated all their future plans, dreams of achieving America forever, telling them believe it or not, about an extended grace of God, of those born just five years shy of new Millennial, that for a total of 20 years, only it could only be spent, along this extension also being performed a New Africa, an African Juttah, I must add here, something Col. Gaddafi's, and an allying China, were attempting before his assassination, and something western leaders has attempted, paying out billions and billions of dollars so America refugees would have somewhere to escape too doing a Yellowstone, now as well pending, explosion, see more here, Rev. 6:12 as so,
-What, you thought the writers of the 2012 movie made this up themselves, I wrote the 2012 scenario, this escape into an African Juttah, by Mega, transforming ships on and beneath water, ARKS, in the late eighties, sharing it on line as always, even 2007, wrote an insert about it to author Trudeau. So when I read about Gaddafi now dead, at an attempts at a United States of America, a new currency based on the gold Denair, well, just imagine. Still, the most stunning irony here, when I made the young marriage worshipper, the heirs of Beast of Beauty, born around 1995, with all their future plans totally sand-blasted, and the emphasis is on blasted, exactly seventeen years later, making it so extraordinary the year of 2012, I, this end time Apostle of resurrection had, or knew nothing and I do mean I was a Mayan prophecy virgin, that's until here lately.
- As I explained, this work exist mainly because I grew tired of authentic marriage, what God first intended, that when Jesus cry you have left your first love, he's talking the Genesis. How it was now all being mocked and abuse so horribly by various forms of entertainment. That has now become just this outbreak of spiritual Idolatry, Adultery into an Antichrist Spirit, so much so, Elohim like in the days of Noah has called on it's complete destruction. Meaning we've all entered the perilous worship that the Apostle Paul forewarn of these end times until being a young celebrity to a teen in America mean you are tittering on the abyss of extinction. Extreme times of which will then explain why the allowance of these amazing parables into the intensely suspicious work, I guess you can say it's finale all bible prophecy, of Lord Urusalem, see more here, Awake, be aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM,

-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing a white, round, sales tag bearing the number 30, as in thirty days from November 19th, meaning December 20th, there's something about the electro college vote, see here,
-Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, stored away in heaven, upon you bearing His Cross.
-Seen to be seeing the words War and the number 3, now laying as on it's back, 11/17/2016, possibly represent failed forewarning as Americans per the election, return to their deaf stage, a siege is come, US soil, regardless.

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fa2012 t lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

America, The Normalcy Bias, In It's Slowest Motion, A Woman Bearing Black Bowls

Discovering Miya, Escaping Apostate Civilization, Mystery America

     -As I was teaching or bringing more revelation by why of these book characters, now Egan Herenton and Kieran Castle, she begin to tell Egan this thing regarding what Maaseiah, the Juttah Oracle, latest reveal, how all of apostate civilization, especially beginning with America, should've been all but vacated by the year 2012, now when she said this, I was stunned as well, but it all begin to make sense, of what the Mayan Prophecies has to do with it, and why I've deemed a pending Trump Whitehouse, an actual Truexit, and always eerily looked at President Obama, (remember my book character, African born, Preece Ebonee Be'le, 1986-2016, destined to one day be the most powerful man in the world, Mr. world exodus), as a type of Moses staying the Egyptian Temple, this Prince, before he's reevaluated upon by Elohim, as actually his people's deliverer.
     -I'll admit, I still don't know much about the Maya, only that the most mysterious event about them isn't just their prophecies, i.e. 2012, but how they suddenly one day just abandon their cities as is, which has been a great mystery, and a thorn in Scientific, to Migration studies for these centuries. Well, I'm sure as in right now though we're reluctant to admit it, we know why this is, and why Holy Spirit can now say, what is apostate civilization, don't be alarmed, it didn't just become apostate, it, all things, formation that is rebellious man, that's Antichrist is rooted and grounded in apostasy, it's why the flood of Noah was used as a form of reconciling Damater (Human, Nature), if you will.
     -These truth is what Proverbs 14:12, is saying ,when it says, there is why that seem right to man, (even worse now all overlaid with veils, darken mirrors, and additionally the curse of strong delusions), but the way thereof is the way of death. As so the Apostle Paul regarding a cursive babel. Mystery of iniquity that is become mass assembly of Jesus crying I never, ever knew you, For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God, see Rom. 10:3, miraculously God has his own righteousness, ye must be born again, that pretty much the American Dream forsaken, Jesus the Christ, the authentic, Christianity.
     -Thus and so all reading here may as well come to this painstaking reality, not only America, but the entire westernize world is to be as evacuated and abandon as the once populated Mayan cities. I know, I know, you're wondering about your treasures, you're talking the ones I just saw all black and blasted, just before the Smokey Mountain inferno, or just prior as a woman bearing black bowls and business cards regarding better homeless shelters, or just as so prior, all of America line up line, precept upon precept of a slow motion exodus, meaning all, well it would see the only worth they have is if you're to pound it all into alters of Christ, where the pounding of self seeking America must go first, whose fans of reconciliation and divine restoration is in Jesus' hand.
     -The first ever dream given me about an American exodus, and I know I've shared this before, but now having better revelations, even a command from God, that you understand what is now understood as the Mayan Migration, we were all supposed to make. It was possibly around the nineties, and in the dream all of a sudden I was cast into this volatile stampede that I understood instantly was complete pandemonium into an exodus. It wasn't long before I realize I was running along Dunlap Street, and looking to and moving toward the long past residence, and right into the backyard of it, right into a certain place there, almost like I had buried something there, as I stood there, and watched a bouquet of red roses just grow and rise out of the earth this witness. As so, I was studying behind Father Swaggart regarding another prophet who had a prophecy regarding budded roses and said it meant, God's Wrath had budded, meaning the pouring out of it, His Wrath, is now.
     -I know what you're thinking, asking, was it the projected timetable of the work of parables, the imparted 20 year extension of grace, which I learn here lately will expire in 2016, expired along the same time as the timetable regarding Intrepid Dream Prophecy, where this is all panning out to be the final years, months, days and seconds of westernized world intervention. I know, I had not realized my parables set timetable, and that of the intrepid where exact until I was writing the work, What If D-day, and one of it book characters raised this question, how, if you add 20 years to 1996, you get 2016, and I'm sitting there myself, going huh, what? Meaning this proposed timetable was at the beginning of this work.
     -Along these budding, stunning red roses, so, so beautiful, as God's wrath is as Righteous as it is death dealing, again, on one side, a stunning, embroidered, handkerchief and still on the other side, a bible, as so was there something dark, not in sinister, but in mysterious, only here now mystery solves, not only as I've seen President Obama, First lady Obama and now found discovering an escaping without us Miya, (Mayan), in this same territory, that's finding themselves as well, along Dunlap street, as in time has lapsed now on to seizures laid all four corners, and though one can't run for their lives, they can definitely run for their souls, for the soul that sin, perish, there is no coming back for you, the second death into a great white throne judgment has you, and you're soon cast into a lake of fire, and all things you're to destined to have as this mammoth distraction targeting most of all your immortal continuation, life, reign with Christ.
    -Heretofore, I will remind you, Jesus did admonish His People Jerusalem, to flee, to equally pray for those with infant children, and that said flight (escape, exodus), wouldn't be on the Sabbath day both of which would make this urgent escape all the more treacherous. They were to flee a very obvious abomination now standing the Holy Place that would virtually make desolate all things Christ' Jesus, again Elohim's Silence in Heaven, Himself, wept, 1993. Truly, without controversy, this evil infiltration for all of America, the Free World, and thus the Church Age was particularly the Supreme Court same sex marriage vote.
   -All to explain why I've seen the beast of it tearing through all they treasure, even their peace getting presidents, pastors, pews and porches. Understand, God's wrath too plenteous of times has come close to desolating this entire planet over this single sin of sexual abnormalities. Whereas Jesus of resurrection has shown Himself, it's most lethal, viral, also this single trespass, America was never suppose to kill the world to save itself, but to kill itself, bearing, outreaching Christ's Cross, to save the world, so there's is a lost commission now most cursive.
     -Horridly, the Jezebel of such wickedness having the potential to both mutate and thus genocide into extinction the Godman, meaning it threatens everything that is the human being, see the Genesis here, Gen. 1:26-28. Truly for divine record keeping, what is the name of your blood letting Savior, the Trump of America, or the Trump of God, got Him, got Jesus yet? Though the most latest of dreams regarding Dunlap Street, the western world must exodus, that just Canada is commanded to be wiped from the map, America, Britain, to be separated into itty, bitty pieces, with Asteroids commanded to destroy the unrepentant west, what most think the appearance of Nibiru is actually for, even predicted to affect US soil cataclysmic right along the timetable I've been prophesying especially the last decade and a half.

     With Miya, as in Mayan although we just picked her on Dunlap street, as I've picked up on such research, is a form of giving them their credit, due, instead seeing first lady Obama walking down Dunlap street, just before she visited St. Jude of Memphis, (see book of Jude, proceeding the book of revelation, I just saying). It was as though we were again all back in the early seventies, because there we all were, seven to eight of us squeezed tightly into the door joyful, anxious out of our heads to just get one look at first lady Obama, now veering off the Broadway Mystery America, this whorish, murdering predator had for her, for us all into greater desolation's of lost souls, don't be deceived, remember from when thou art fallen and do the first work.
       Regularly with things seen being temporal, nothing in this world is worth us losing the eternal Elohim from the beginning hath for US, The Adam, whereby we cry, Abba Father, as it's blood redeemed Heir, see the Genesis here, Gen. 1:26-28, beware, God's Will and not that of iron men will always be done here, get to and worship, Him, let the first resurrection find you as it found me, surrendered to Christ Cross, willing. waiting and thus worthy to escape with him.
-In conclusion, according to the Nibiru prognosticators something has, someone they call ET's, has halted nearly every time table given of Nibiru arrival, now bringing said fulfillment into the year 2017, the year 2017, around the month of October, again with no knowledge of Nibiru prophecies, 2017 is when the intrepid dream, prophecy, this manner of ELE US soil is to finale, this has been prophecy Apb, The RAM, since Dec. 2001, I only recently start giving any credence to the subject of Nibiru, meaning God's timetable is what has halted cataclysms until now. Meaning, of all the things being eternal and possibly divine, if Holy Spirit can describe approaching planetary bodies as Alien dangers we're to v aware of, I guess it can as well be deem, extraterrestrial, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,


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