Monday, December 12, 2016

Do you Hear, See and Know, What I Know? Revelations Of Jesus, All The More

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and fourteen,12/12 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

-Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, upon bearing His Cross, stored away in heaven, worthless treasures, 1998, Apb

When The Fat Man Sings Armageddon

-Seen to be seeing Michael Clark Duncan from the movie, Armageddon, singing opera in the wildernesses just before he died, I remember thinking, I didn't know he could sing. (when the fat lady/man sing I guess. the ultimate dare, that the impossible can't happen until the fat lady/man sing, Armageddon is here, Apb

Do You Hear, See And Know, What I See, Hear And Know? Revelations of Jesus

     -"What it mean you guys is Israel as the Gentile world for the last thousands of years have all been trapped this limbo of bible prophecy, and God alone as of  Christ's Cross, it's authentic, especially for the grace of it, Righteous Puppeteer. So you are Tatianna telling us the stillness is also a curse? Clearly Ewan as all crystal skies, including America are suspicious, you know I thought so, deceived right into greater end time desolations just as Jesus said, ok, ok you guys, I think I'm gonna, I just vomit in my throat, over share Ewan man, overshare! Yeah I'm gonna be," as one moving up, off a crouch position at holding his mouth, his stomach, this abrupt get away, did friends Piers, Aiyana get right after him. "My Christ is God, he was serious, so you're Tati telling us the calm, meaning this election, even's UK's Brexit is a subterfuge, don't forget Trump as Truexit, not meaning you guys just another detour but the finale of detours, escape! Even the burning to the ground of the Whitehouse which Maaseiah also witness is all the more evidence of these truths, this is the end of the road for all of them. So yes, as much Terrance as that stunning rainbow the day of the Supreme Court same sex marriage vote, as though God had changed His Mind about Satan allied by black hearted men manipulating and mutating the God-man. Yeah, there's the sky Tati, seen crystallizing and breaking apart and crashing to the earth, my father Soledad testified did have or show two crystallize Beast of amphibian origin. Those who for which undoubtedly had been responsible for unconquerable delusions and illusions, as much as mankind deluding themselves, so desolations US soil are as good as happening right here and now. It's why Bush's war were declared one error/era into a new fear factor, both of which are being fulfilled US soil as Maaseiah witness Christ millennium follow Obama's. So just you guys remember, God chasten (corrects), only those He Love; gave the rebellious into sexual abnormalities up long, long ago. Equally, this abomination that maketh desolate standing in the Holy Place, of Jesus sounding an alarm, escape!  While Daine and I are gone before the crystal skies, possible a Yellowstone super volcano explosion, crash it down all around us, targeting and slaying millions, America, and Western soil especially, I mean, don't yall get it, except it decease, I admit all great treasures, but all just as temporal, as their having. Yeah all of which Maaseiah witness as this mammoth cover of the grandest of distractors just as Jesus was snatching the Bride away from them. There is no millennium of Jesus, no God's Kingdom coming, all that is rebellious, beginning with Mystery America, must decease first, hence you hear a cry, despite massive innovations, I'll bring it all to waste. As so, strip Americans like my servant Job, clearly is why an E.L.E. type catastrophe target her every moment of every day. All Americans being declared a slow motion exodus mean they know, they're just sorely bewildered about letting go, just remember, Jesus' Reign is Lord over all and this world 's government shall soon be upon His conquering shoulders!"   >>>"Nall Bills man, I'm just saying with church people it's hard to say whether they're saved, or truly born again, the church before the cross sort of thing right into ceaseless failures.  Just think, regardless of incalculable places of worship, and millions upon millions of people visiting, even worshiping them, the mast majority of people who die, does it without Christ. Even the length and breath of mass assembly having only a type, a form, yeah I watched this scary as heck video about it, this young lady given a dream about a horde of people so vast. How the mountain tops you guys were wrap around with line upon line of them, all dressed she saw in these burgundy, trimmed in gray robes, all talking, laughing and excited thinking they're to enter heaven, when they were all instead hell bound. As you Louise said they were all talking, laughing, just this certainty, robes and all, I know Craftsman, you thought about church people, yeah. Those people Jesus said were all of this and beyond miraculous, but unrepentant, whose sin yet remain, and you said she dreamed this? Yeah, they went on for miles and miles, for as far as eyes could see, or the mind could imagined, so positive they were heavens heir. Well surely God will have mercy regardless, no Bills He can't, I mean He already has. That is what having Christ ministry is for, to help people get their hearts ready to enter God's Kingdom, with Jesus' spilled blood, you kill out your heart and receive Jesus' heart in it's place, there is no other way to be born again. Though assembly, where Satan seat is, is where he mightily deceives the people until they worship church, not Christ, as godliness, never seeing or having a reason for repentance. This makes you sad? If it make Him, God, Bills man, sad, so yes, having his heart we're sad as well, what do you mean He is sad? Many Bills think the silence in heaven is about a God whose heart is breaking apart as surely as Christ as He suffered Golgotha for our stead, yeah Bills man, "my heart is like wax, it is melted into the midst of my bowels." Plus Maaseiah has a live vision, whereas she witness Elohim God crying, sobbing uncontrollably, behind a silence in heaven, how his people are dying, how they're being stripped everything Jesus Christ. Wow, really, a god that cries, that feel all things, our infirmities as the human being, what an incredible God he is, you know Jaybird man, it is in one of your revelation scripture. There is one of the twelve doing this, he's crying, when he sees a wounded lamb, and he knows, there is beyond hop. This lamb once wounded and is now reigning mean all lost now restored forever, so see you guys later, okay, what just happen, how did, how, he's Braveheart's cousin, don't be so alarmed, he just ask questions for better revelations, that's all, his and ours.   >>>-"Yeah, but the only thing I don't like about Rapture flicks that involves churches is you guys that they leave them too empty, if anything they'll be full. I mean the pastor and ministering staff all there, all parishners with their children still there, as a matter of fact if you're in church when the rapture happen, you probably won't even notice it. You know what you're saying right? That while millions are gathered in apostate assembly all around, choirs blowing the roofs off and all, the Righteous Bride all the while is rising up to Jesus Christ, exactly Loren man, exactly. Their children still here? Yeah, Maaseiah said all children being raptured isn't scripture, that whatsoever the parents fate is that of their children. Probably explaining further, why Jesus admonished all children be brought to Him, the only worthy unto escaping end time tribulations. Probably Collin man explaining, while you know the Ken Peters prophecy of when he testifies how after the righteous dead are risen, of finding abandon baby carriages, filled with toddles all around, see here,, wow, surely representing both an immaturity regarding Christ and the Great Gathering of saints. Look, look, you guys know how scary, I don't know if I, ah, I think we should pray, yeah, gimme your hands, everyone, lets all do this. "Dear God, first we ask for forgiveness of sin, for you said in your word, you won't hear us, see us, nor have any relations with us unless we repent. Then Father we ask Jesus into our heart, to mold it as His pure heart, we ask the Holy Spirit into our spirit, blood, that we be a worthy temple for your dwelling, these things we ask by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus, Amen and amen! Thanks for that blessed assurance Loren man, yeah, thank you guys as well, friends don't treat me, like they used to, since I laid my, sin life down, right Loren man, right. So why do they do it that way, when they demonstrate rapture? Because Vinson man as far as the heavens is from the earth, so are God's thoughts as far from man, and His ways passed finding out, so they do as they want, think. So to be honest, if this was about safeguarding children God would've ended, as in finished the Genesis Procreation, something the same sex act is attempting, long ago. Possibly by making inactive the womb when instead by Noah's Ark salvaging it all, right into the second Adam, Genesis restoration of marrying into procreation. Loren! You alright? Ah man, I'm sitting here, listening to such knowledge and wisdom pour of you all, thinking this is what Christ meant so long ago, light hath come, but men loving evil, worship the darkness, the delusions. For me you guys meaning, the curse of death has always been a slow motion exodus, where judgment await, and without the good shepherd, Jesus, we perish, right? Hey, whose up for a game of volleyball? Yeah, I see Frank them pouring into the gym, I am Vince man, yeah, me too, Mark? Ah, no, I'm going, ah I need to talk to Rose, ah about, something, ok, you alright though? I can only say you guys I am now, ok then, see you at practice tomorrow or the library or pub later, ah yeah, later then, be encouraged, that's what these talks are about, yeah, thanks, god bless! Rose? Ah he's talking Roselyn Reeks, Mark's for years now girl friend whom, he say isn't much of a believer, so sometimes he try and share such things with her, so she can proudly toss them back at him, which mean keep him, well, them, in prayer." They say the Lord seeth us not, that the Lord is ascended from the earth, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

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