Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Righteously Diving The Enemy, Antichrist Is Here

Do You Know Where Your Bible is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and twenty-four 12/22 of the "week," prophecy 08/20, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     -Jesuis (We Are, You Are), Jesus Christ, Malawi’s TransformationRashid M’Balaka might have been the scariest person in his village in rural Malawi. He abused his wife, “Nora”. His father was an imam (Muslim teacher), and Rashid made a living digging up human bones and selling them for ancestors worship. Most people in his Yao village practiced folk Islam, blending tribal practices with Islam.
    -But then, Rashid met an evangelist names Joseph. Rashid was already discontent with his life, and the gospel message Joseph described addressed his internal restlessness. But he wasn’t ready to give up his old culture, faith and customs until he met Jesus himself.
-Soon after Joseph shared the gospel with him, Rashid had a dream. The next morning, Rashid appeared at Joseph’s door with tears in his eyes. The man in his dream told him that what he had learned from Joseph was true. He told Joseph that the man looked so beautiful that he could not even look into his face. Rashid accepted Christ, and was baptized, and his life was transformed.
     -Rashid was eager to share the good news with his wife, but she didn’t believe him when he said he’d been changed. And when his wife’s family, with whom they lived according to Yao tradition, was furious. See more here,,

Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as in the day of Noah, Jesus Mat. 24, my people are being stripped, GOH, a silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, my prayer closet 1993, Apb

Prophecy Link

-Doing the last demonstration of rapture, there was something about a little drummer boy as we all ascended up, stayed a while in heaven with Jesus, see, hear,, I have three in my family, how about you? 
-Seen to be seeing a blinking black and white sign of the word, DEATH! An outbreak of Memorials on US soil, even on the map, 11/26/2016 
-Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, upon bearing His Cross, stored away in heaven. 
-A Voice Declaring: "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an ELE US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, beware, Apb 

The One Hundred And Ninety Pound Satanic/Demonic Teenager In The Room No One Talks About

     -Do you hear what I hear,, only one of my favorite lately, especially since I spend a night hearing it, how truly genius, the inquiry of this song, especially for an Apostle Prophet who has spend the last thirty years of her life, asking the most important questions of out reaching what some call Christendom, what the singing group Selah or whom Selah has labored the People Of The Cross, as like their Christ Lord Jesus, they're the earth’s future martyrs to resurrection. The earth and the heavens are all abuzz phenomenally so with the birth and arrival of the Christ's child only presently the same is so. 
     -I know, this Apostle of Resurrection keep telling you and again phenomenally so as has been prophesied prophets and Apostle, past and present. Christ the Lord is risen these thousands of years has prepared a group of believers to do the same, as he hath promised to arrive them, God's throne, as this Heir to Him, and Heavens Throne all ascending down this New Jerusalem. So the morrow of the song, it's beyond important inquiry is, do you see what Christ's Bride see, hear what Christ's Bride hear and most importantly, do you know what Christ's Bride knows? 
     -Their Christ Lord Jesus no longer hinder His arrival but is now come again, soon a shout, the voice, cry of the archangel , see General Michael and the Trump not of the Whitehorse, so tremendously failed already, this falseness of a rule, but the Christ, Trump of God will sound, as we, the people of the cross, phenomenally known as the Righteous Bride are caught up to meet Him in the clouds. Apparently where He's been park awaiting a fullness time since Holy Spirits by why of divine text messages, even while the Bride is enduring it's greatest of trials here assured of said finale, that He is on His Way here. 
     -Thus the other, most daunting lyrical of all, Bill Withers,“ain't no sunshine when she's gone." Undoubtedly the One Trump I saw passed off to the Angel Gabriel, even the one who’d only appeared to becoming Mother Mary then to  announce his conception into birth, arrival his, let heaven and nature sing, glory to our Christ King, finally to arrive again, let everything that hath breath praise his holy name, truly blessed beyond all things comprehensible, is the one come in the name of the Lord in the first , hallelujah I say, O happy day., see, read more here.

Apostle's Note

     -Below is yet a parable out of the Juttah Septennial of which has transformed unintentionally by this Apostle, but it's a demonstration of Resurrection into a form of Christ's Millennium, even God's Kingdom reign now come to the earth. So if at times they appear far removed from the horrendous troubles and unprecedented death tolls on the planet, this triple threat forewarn seeming ancient ago. Frightfully with America seeming to march on forward it's alternate plans regardless is again why it's been deem these few years now a slow motion exodus, into a woman bearing black bowls, approches.

     -America, the West is no more, with it taking a see, hear, and know no evil stance, it's impossible to detour the greatest horrors ever to happen to them. That's US soil into earth's inhabitants ever, or ever again, explaining not only by the pale horse judgment will a fourth of the earth die, but never losing their heart to Jesus the Christ, hell rides with him, repent here,

The One Hundred And Ninety Pound Satanic/Demonic Teenager In The Room

The Trump Of A Trojan Horse, Beware! Righteous Kingdoms Reign

     -"I'm suddenly overwhelmed by the Trojan horse story, isn't that rather odd, what is that? I know you don't believe Sahel, but it's called a word of knowledge, followed was a Greek tragedy and cataclysmic end to those worshiping idolatry for victory over their enemy, of those thought untouchable being safeguarded by false gods, so like now, in the end, nobody win. I'm going to Miss Miller's class for an earlier start, then I'll walk you. You know Sword that is what they're calling Trump, and listening to you and your friend going on about your Maaseiah's dream, I might not believe, but I can still hear. This is a subterfuge that leadth to death, again a Trojan horse, if she's right, right? Yes, right, my Christ, you have been listening, only it's impossible to get them to believe, as the Greeks were rooted and grounded their many of worthless gods. Presently America, the world are equally dependent and more in their Mystery America. Maaseiah even said lately, completely mind blowing everyone. It was how the whole of the Western world, should have been as evacuated as the ancient Mayan Cities, and that's per the Maya calendar of 2012. Wow, that is just so scary, to ah realize, I mean, way too scary.” Overwhelmingly bringing about a form of brain freeze as she thought about all of her family, and how much danger, meaning they were nothing more than sitting ducks, and it's pond, actually molten lava for as far as one is to see, just as she'd dreamed. Look, I know, I at times, hey darling man, it's heart breaking to hear, but everything is changed and there is no denying it, I've seen it, and if you tell anyone, I will deny it. Though these unthinkable horrors hard to lament, there's Sahel no denying it's the elite behind it, even aliens, though there is tremendous doubt into an astringent mockery that God is bringing His end time Will. Worriedly, just as the Angel Gabriel foretold Maaseiah, 2004, even announcing the seventh angel, the seventh angel Sword, need I asked? It's out of the book of revelation, God's throne into the whole of Heavens host are finally celebrating the overthrow of rebellious man. Whose Kingdoms and people have fallen again under the Righteous, Holy government of God and His Christ, making these nations instead angry, whereas they're to rule forever. A world rule by God, Sahel, Maaseiah witness being fulfilled as Jesus' Millennium incredibly behind Obama's, frightfully as though Trump and all allying him never, ever mattered, or existed. I'm sorry love, I said too much, no, it explain the lyrics to this holiday rhyme, ah song, do you hear what I hear, do you see what I see, know what I know? I know it wasn't just about the song, it's the promise of Christ how Holy Spirit is come to lead us into all truth, that we're not to be ignorant. I know, John Mark tell me things so, yes, again I know. So you two engaged to marry or what? It seems forever, but yes, something like that, so I have one other question, the pounding of self, treasures into the dust what is that? Ah, when you, or one realize he or she is living or rather leading, all having followers, a life, that opposes God, and they in their hearts come genuinely sorry. They Sahel get to a place, again, where they can by this sorrowful heart apologize to God, that's before thy die, said offer is valid only before death, and is lifted. It cannot be carried into the grave, only while here, by Christ's cross, is our blood offering for all transgressions omitted, by Him, Jesus alone. I know that was kinda long, but tell me you understood, I did, amazing, thanksgiving and thanksgiving again my friend for this, see you for lunch, we talk more about this? Really? Yeah, between you and John Mark, I believe finally, I get it, well stay safe until then, meaning? Meaning Sahel, regardless of mankind's dependence upon America as god, no time on this planet is promised, not even the next second, hum, I guess I'll remember that. Then see you later? You Sword, what is your name, I know Sword is the end what is the beginning? Kevon, ah Heathon Kevon Sword, wow, and your mom call you? Ah Heath, well may I as well? It will Miss Fulton be an honor, later then, yeah later."      >>>"Craft just called, said we mother can't stay here any longer, said a massive death toll unimaginable for a thousand years has been predicted, here US soil. Especially for those living along the coast need to bring it in as far as is possible, well, if we Maxim listen to your brother, his Maaseiah, we're to leave America all together, better late mother than ever before right? Papa, what, what is it, I had a dream, Papa! I think, that is, ah in the night, all lights, water was out, called the company son, they said nothing could be done about it. Soon your aunt Louise come to take your mom shopping, and just as soon I began to see all the people on the street. Just this multicultural of a gathering and they were all walking, leaving, leaving everything behind, as though transportation was as well no more. No doubt father, all those dreams Maaseiah has had of people riding, some three to a bike, not to alarm you all further," as one laying plates as to set a dinner table, perhaps now there last supper, one is always pending. "Or perhaps to do exactly that, Maaseiah is now saying all of the West should have been as vacated as those Mayan cities being found, and no later mom, dad, than the the Miya, 2012 calendar. So son you're saying it's happening like that 2012 movie, no it's happening papa like Maaseiah has been seeing and warning since a spring day thirty years ago and counting and Hollywood making millions portraying her and others' prophecies. They were all Beth, ah, son, headed you two further east, as in south east, Maaseiah, well, Craft did say something about southern borders, along what is described the four corners, but, not for staying, rather for transport. I honey had a dream as well, I saw this woman this single passenger paddling a boat through flood waters and here waving me on that I'm to come with her, to follow. All of it, mom you need help with that? All of it the parents I love is what my Juttah (Christ's Jesus), brother, and your safe in the Juttah (resurrection/ Christ Millennium), son is forewarning, what are we waiting on? I just don't get it, He, well God, forewarn Maaseiah as clearly as I'm speaking to you all right now, he would bring it all to waste. How they wouldn't be able to give it away, temporal you guys, let that sink in, I mean I was listening behind some financial analyst recently and he said, what's the use of having any of it, if we're dead? And you dad, you just got through describing the results of either an EMP attack (see or a CME explosion, (see, which is why the electrical company were helpless to help. As so will be the government except to lock us all up these Internment/Fema Camps, (, then the people seen walking is the evidence, the mobile man was no more. Remember dad, multiculturalism, that even seen by Westerners as a demon breed of socialism is the beginning Babel/Mystery America that brought us to the Woman Seed, Christ Jesus in the first place. that's restoring the One man, blood lineage, Adam, our brother's keeper, that Nimrod's Tower attempted, but like America and all Antichrist ruled nations, now failed, for except it's in Christ's Blood, divine foundation rooted and grounded. We're not just talking a waste of time, efforts but a waste of souls, the immortality that mortals forgot, all the more proven by what a sorely weeping John sees, as he sees a Lamb that looked as though it'd been slain now reigning in heaven. Then Maaseiah you guys as presently as February twenty fifteen, seeing the reigning Bride now heaven bound, can't you see, this is happening assuredly for us now, as it did the earliest of Jesus' Ministry? Then a once weeping John announces, after this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of father all nations, kindred, tribes, tongues and people stood before the throne and before the Lamb. That's clothed with white robes and palms in their hands, you two finish eating, I'm going to make some calls, really son, you expect us to eat after that? May every announced titter of it be so Papa, finally God's Kingdom Reign! Awake, Apb, The RAM, and here,

Listening to Whitney's Joy To The World...

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